They down played his suffering. In the novel it was so much worse but the next chapters were so so cuuuuuute!!!!

chapter 157 is when Xiao YuAn pretended to be the villager to distract the enemy, it should be a good start to understand everything.

My ass got caught reading this n was about to put my phone away but nope because my boss insisted we read together. When I finish my dumbass forgot my boss was there n said "damn I bet that was crazy good" my boss taps the screen scaring me n says "weird how we almost look alike, instead of back tattoos I have 2 sleeve tats n neck tats" me looking up at him then back at my phone realises he's right n proceeds to say "Yeah n your both built crazy too" he just laughs n then leans in to whisper n yup that type of sex is crazy good n with my crazy build I can guarantee holding someone like you up won't be a problem. I obviously blush because he's a dick n i kick him he just laughs n walks away. I have worked for this guy for 6 years im waiting for his dad to hurry up n marry him off or else I might purposely kill him. I've know him since we were young hence why he's always n ass. I think i might tell his dad hes gay n see what happens lol
Ahjuicysweetie if you don't pay those bitches back or at least cut off the hand of the gorilla that hurt him we gonna have a problem
Aishhhh sryyyy accidentally press dislike button
That's okI'll count it as an "screw you" to the guy who hurt our cute bean!