Yo why’s the seme still meeting up with girls even tho he has ryuga

Rereading it I think it was before they started dating and confessed their feelings but at the point they already started having sex. Cuz like the MC said that he was his childhood friend and that they don’t get along in the extra but once they confessed and everything they obviously ended up getting along and became a couple. So I think maybe it was like right after they first started hooking up

Yuer isn’t dead, he’s in a coma state during which the king panicks and seems extremely desperate or something.. Then Yuer wakes up and somehow the mixture of the three substances he took kind of cure each other and Yuer is cured from all the poison. He can also talk. He fakes amnesia so the king is really sad but the king is still happy that Yuer is back.
Excuse me but why did they have car sex with the car door open and why did they have sex OUTSIDE the entrance of their house?? Crazy fuckers