Sovieshu's plan is to both acquire an heir and a perfect empress.
When he was a child, he sneaked into the previous empress's (his mother's) room and found cookies which he gave to young Navier. Navier suggested they ate it together. Soon after, the previous empress was more anxious than angry that he took the cookies because it was for a countess that was favored by the emperor at that time (this is where I gag at Sovieshu's hypocrisy. he literally hated his dad for having concubines but look at him now) Sovieshu found out the cookies were mixed with poison that caused miscarriage with a side effect of infertility. His mother asked him if he shared the cookies but he quickly replied no. He lied instinctively, feeling that it's something no one should find out.
So because there is still no child between Sovieshu and Navier, Sovieshu concludes that one of them is infertile.
At that point in time, he was very stressed with the pressure the nobles and aristocrats were putting on him for not having a child to inherit the throne. Not only that, if he didn't bear an heir soon the throne would go to his uncle's son and his bloodline would ultimately lose the reign of the monarchy. That's what scared him because he knew how brutal being a member of the royal family was. After all, he spent some of his childhood watching the previous emperor (his father) with his concubines while his mother was abandoned. So when Trashta comes in, she's like a stress relief away from everyone's prejudice as well as the seeming indifference of his wife Navier.
Mind you, Sovieshu may be an asswipe but he is not one to crave countless women in order to satisfy his ego. He'd consider it, but his pride would never let him. Even though Navier was not the perfect wife, she was the perfect empress and a child between them would've been perfect as well had it not been for that cookie. So if he could not bear a child with her, Trashta had to do (his plan sounded perfect in his own head lmao).
So Trashta is already pregnant but the child is still an offspring of a commoner so he/she cannot become a prince/princess. This is why Sovieshu kept bugging Navier to adopt Trashta's child, so that he/she will have a legitimate right to take the throne.
But because Navier would not give in to adopting the bastard child (thank goodness queen) Sovieshu diverts to a different plan: divorce Navier and make Trashta empress for a year so that the child claims a royal right. Then when that year ends, he takes Navier back and kicks Trashta out. So Sovieshu basically didn't see much value in Trashta except for her ability to get preggers and her "feminine" side that Navier didn't have. fsr he has this fetish with women who depended on him like damsels in distress. And because Navier was independent af he also had some type of inferiority complex.
Soveishu's downfall is not telling Navier of his plan. Before Trashta came along, like waaay before all the issues, Navier and Sovieshu loved and trusted each other. Idk how to describe their past relationship but if you'd ask me, Navier was not good at expressing herself and Sovieshu was the worst in understanding that trait of hers. That didn't become much of a problem until the topic of an heir was brought up. Sovieshu started worrying a lot and he basically started blaming it on Navier; saying crap like the reason they had no child was because she wasn't affectionate to him or that she was infertile all along. Regardless, Navier continued to love him silently and although at first Sovieshu did the same for her, he began to lose sight of his love for her as he focused on figuring out how to produce an heir.
Sovieshu will soon snap back to his senses though, but it'll be too late. Because by then, Navier would've fallen for Heinly already and he won't be able to do anything about it. Sovieshu was the one who pushed Navier away after all.
So not only were they colleagues (on the throne) they were childhood friends who knew each other by the back of their hands. But because of Sovieshu bitch's inferiority complex, he decided he could handle batshit on his own. He basically plotted everything and since he didn't tell Navier, he made it seem like he was in love with Trashta and hurt Navier beyong comprehension.
Another thing is that he didn't calculate how crafty and cunning Trashta could be. So shit was gonna get loose when Navier stepped down from the throne.
Soon, Sovieshu ends up mentioning his plan to Trashta (1-year empress trial). Without his knowledge, Navier was actually listening to their conversation. This makes Navier leave the palace where she bumps into Heinley in a pub. Heinley confesses that he needed a queen to stand by him in his kingdom (Heinley's home is a kingdom, not an empire) and he wanted Navier to be queen. Navier, remembering what Sovieshu told Trashta, then offers marriage and Heinly accepts but he's confused because she's still married.
Navier continues sending letters through the blue bird (Heinley's attendant) and Sovieshu takes notice of this; speculating Navier is communicating with Heinley. So he orders to kill any bird that goes near the empress's chambers. Navier sends a warning but the bird confuses it and ends up getting hurt (blood, feathers, and all). Sovieshu bitch even sends a bird stew to Navier as warning. The bird isn't dead though, because Trashta finds it and gives it to Duke Elgy (Heinley's friend and the man Trashta is borrowing money from) who then becomes the means of communication between Navier and Heinley.
Meanwhile, Trashta (already knowing Sovieshu's plan) feels that she cannot compare to Navier. Duke Elgy suggests she studies so that's what she does. She studies while being accompanied by Sovieshu but she keeps complaining so Sovieshu keeps comparing her to Navier which infuriates. This keeps happening; she studies, acts fake-cute af in front of Sovieshu, borrows money from Duke Elgy, and pays money to Viscount Rostechu. At some point, Trashta also hires assassins to kill the Troby couple (Navier's parents). Then Navier's brother also attempts to poison Trashta to kill her child. He ends up being exiled by Sovieshu for it. Sovieshu then uses Navier's brother's crimes as leverage to solidify the divorce.
On the day of the divorce with the High Priest present, Sovieshu embarrasses Navier and claims she tried to harm his daughter. This is when Heinley enters as Navier asks the High Priest to bless her second marriage.
Sovieshu is salty af and even locks Navier, Heinley, and Navier's fam in their house while he searches for any laws that could null Navier's second marriage. The blue bird (Heinley's attendant) then appears to take them all to the Western Kingdom (Heinly's kingdom). Sovieshu goes crazy and demands to find them.
Some time passed since Navier left and Sovieshu goes paranoid because he felt she really wasn't coming back. So he doesn't drop Trashta from the empress seat because he put a lot of effort into doing it (faking Trashta's noble background and shit) but he does question whether their daughter is his or not. He uses magic to clarify the paternity; he was scared because he made so many enemies by divorcing Navier just to have an heir so there's no way he could save his dignity as emperor if his plan backfired. If the child really wan't his, it'd also shatter his confidence that he isn't sterile because Navier was already pregnant with Heinley's child (Sovieshu and Navier are both infertile because of the cookie but Navier and Heinley did (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ on a magical bed which is why she got pregnant). Sovieshu prayed the child really was his because he couldn't bear to live with the possibility that he lost Navier for nothing.
The truth was that when Trashta left Allen (the Viscount's son) years ago, she was already pregnant with their second child. But because she was sleeping with Sovieshu soon after, she didn't know Allen was the baby daddy. At some point, she also gets a scar on her face so Sovieshu starts to lose interest in her cause like you know the taboo with women in high society having scars.
It's revealed that Duke Elgy had only been getting information from Trashta. He's Heinley's friend and so, by Heinley's request, he got close to Trashta and got her to borrow money from him. Everything Trashta did, he told Heinley.
So Trashta's crimes are brought to light and she's imprisoned. She also ends up killing herself in her cell.
Sovieshu rejects the bastard child and has no heir to the throne.
Heinley and Navier live happily ever after with their little twin babies :)
2021-02-05 15:13 marked

(Post from novelupdates)
I remember reading the novel way back, and there are alot of dirty witty jokes about the emperor’s stamina in bed etc. lol but the most memorable scene was when the Empress & Emperor finally confessed their feelings and was acting lovey dovey when suddenly there was a messenger saying concubine Lin had an illness and the Emperor had to leave...
Then just before the ML left for Lin’s place, the MC asked him to stay with her because she just had this feeling that something bad was going to happen though the ML still left the empress to see Lin but Lin was all fine, just wanted to eat something together lol so the ML asked Lin did you fake the illness you never did this before etc. While they were still talking and taking their sweet time together a messenger came rushing and told the empress was kidnapped from her place by some assassins...
Then the emperor rushes to the MC’s palace, only to see everything in disarray and calls for a horse to go look for her while everyone was discouraging him saying it was dangerous. He goes after the empress and finally finds her but she is bleeding and he was crying and shaking her body really hard repeating “Empress wake up/say something...” and he loses MC to the assassins somehow again (? I don’t really remember the details) and he cries hard recalling the MC’s last words “can’t you stay with me because I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen”
The MC was nowhere to be found for 2 years and during that time the ML turns into tyrannical king and everyone says it is due to the death of the empress. The ML finally fell in love with her, only to lose the MC so quickly afterwards so he was devastated. She comes back after 2 years with a new identity and in the end, they end up together.
(And this one was the one that was already posted here)
After the empress’ death, the MC goes back to her original body (she actually knew she had to leave the empress’ body that day but so she asked the emperor to stay with her which became a huge trauma to the ML) and after two years she goes back to the palace disguised as a male escort/bodyguard due to political shenanigans. The MC was actually summoned for a reason, and it involves this radical group founded by the Ryeokuk’s royals who wants to assasinate the emperor.
MC felt somewhat attached to the group though she enters the imperial palace and wants to protect the emperor seeing how the ML blames himself hard for everything and turned into someone completely different. The ML also left the empress’ place exactly as it was before, and gave out harsh punishments for everything involving the ‘late’ empress. The story kind of turns into a ‘BL’ romance as naturally the ML is reminded of his one true love-the empress from the MC’s expressions/habits when she starts working as the emperor’s escort and falls in love. ML admits his feeling for the new MC pretty early on, even though he is a ‘male’ escort/bodyguard, because he really regretted losing the empress without admitting his feelings. The ML even gets jealous saying you should be my man even in front of beautiful women lol and that causes Gong Lin to panic again and she tries the frame the MC, and even going as far as recreating the bloody ML’s trauma by harming herself and then copying the last words of the empress to hold onto the ML (which is pretty messed up imo).
MC felt angry about that incident and tried to tell him the truth, asking what if the empress is not dead but just hiding herself due to circumstances...but the ML reacted pretty voilently and storms out to go see his concubine. MC was disappointed because it reminded her of her last day - even when it is extremely important, he always chooses Gong Lin. So MC starts acting cold to the ML, refusing the snacks he orders for her, not meeting his eyes, and trying to avoid eating together etc. ML was scared that he hurt the MC, and he didn’t want to lose ‘him’ too so he asked why he was mad and he will try to fix whatever it is which surprised MC since he would have never done this before with the empress. ML even confesses that he is in an unrequited love with him in front of everyone, and tries his best.
That’s why when it was revealed MC is part of the infamous group that abducted the empress, it hurt him pretty bad as he thought she approached him on purpose and how he really fell in love with the person who killed the one he loved the most. While in prison, she tries to say she was trying to protect the emperor all along, but the ML was very conflicted with his guilt for the empress. Then when MC is alone with Hoon, she confesses her real identity considering her group obviously abandoned her and left her to die, and to prove it she recounts how they met the first time, with the intruder and the stone... The prison guard listening their conversation was member of the group, so the guard murders the MC while Hoon and the emperor was on their way to the prison. ML sees another bloody gory dead MC, a repeat of his worst nightmare, is shook to the core for the second time.
Fortunately, MC goes back to the empress’ body and a lot of political stuff about this prophecy about her and how she will rid of this group from Ryeokuk. She is given three choices including one where she goes back to her original world and forgets everything. But MC chooses to stay with the emperor and goes to the palace and meets the ML. He couldn’t believe his eyes and kept asking Hoon if he was seeing a ghost and is over the moon when the MC comes back in the empress’ body. Then she teases him saying I heard you were having an affair while I was gone and then kind of explains all the prophecy/politics to him. She couldn’t come back officially due to the threats from the group and the ML wanted to kill all the people involved in the group right away, but MC persuades him to wait to avoid shedding innocent blood and work to eliminate all the discrimination against Ryeokuk people which was the root of all this. The stubborn emperor couldn’t even believe himself that he actually listened to her and puts out an edict while she is sleeping. The book ends with the emperor kissing the sleeping MC saying I can endure everything for you (or something similar) with tears.
(These two post could be found on Novelupdates. Here's the link --> https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/college-student-empress.105394/page-5#post-5927158)
2020-11-21 15:39 marked

the most memorable scene was when the Empress & Emperor finally confessed their feelings and was acting lovey-dovey when suddenly there was a messenger saying concubine Lin had an illness and the Emperor had to leave...
Then just before the ML left for Lin’s place, the MC asked him to stay with her because she had this feeling that something bad was going to happen. But the ML still left the empress to see Lin but Lin was all fine and just wanted to eat something together lol so the ML asked Lin did you fake the illness you never did this before etc.
While they were still talking and taking their sweet time together a messenger came rushing and told them the empress was kidnapped from her place by some assassins...
Then the emperor rushes to the MC’s palace, only to see everything in disarray and calls for a horse to go look for her while everyone was discouraging him saying it was dangerous. He goes after the empress and finally finds her but she is bleeding and he was crying and shaking her body really hard repeating “Empress wake up/say something...” and he loses MC to the assassins somehow again (? I don’t really remember the details) and he cries hard recalling the MC’s last words “can’t you stay with me because I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen”.
The MC was nowhere to be found for 2 years and during that time the ML turns into tyrannical king and everyone says it is due to the death of the empress. The ML finally fell in love with her, only to lose the MC so quickly afterwards so he was devastated. She comes back after 2 years with a new identity and in the end, they end up together.
i found these spoilers here: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/college-student-empress.105394/page-3
why is the ML a whole ass clown smh
2020-11-08 22:11 marked
okay so here's my understanding of the story so far (with spoilers from the...