Hey there! I'm an artist and this sounds amazing. I don't have insta, but I'm planning do download it to chat. :)
I love bl and fantasies/supernatural stuff. I
I'll drop my new user after i get it. :> 1 reply
For a while I was thinking of getting a bearded dragon, so I was gathering up information about taking care of one. I'm just going to write down what I've gathered and you guys ( preferably with experience ) can tell me what's good and what to change :)
FOOD: Dubia roaches, every now and then superworms, crickets, kale, a bit of pepper, cabbage, celery, squash, and a wax worm for an occasional treat.
TANK: 90 - 120 cm glass tank, small ( 10 - 20 cm ) shallow water pool, climbing tree, eco friendly deco plants, UVB lights, fabric hammock, substrate bedding, thermometer, netting for roof, medium den, two/one medium rock(s), toy(s), digging box and a food dish.
TIPS: To clean the tank, make a 50/50 water & vinegar solution for cleaning the tank ( w/ soft towel or tissue ) and if shedding place in warm shallow water for 10 - 15 mins.