aoba's experience ( All 0 )

aoba's answer ( All 2 )

aoba 22 07,2021
if you are able to, purchase a binder from gc2b. they ship with discreet packaging. sports bras are decent, and i think it should be fine to wear 2 but keep in mind that they are still compressing your chest and you should wear them sparingly. never use ace bandages. binders are not permanent, they are basically tank tops/half tanks that you can ta......   reply
22 07,2021
- Protruding bones. More specifically: wrist, collar, ribs, and hip bones. It's even better if you can see the tendons in their fingers moving as well. - Dark circles. There is something attractive about looking dead and/or sleep deprived. - Sadism. No further explanation needed. - Dads/dad bods...Yeah.   1 reply
19 07,2021

aoba's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did unable to trust anyone

i can't trust anyone not even my own parents or friends cuz of my trust issues

6 hours
did finally came out the closet

i'm quite open about it, but i used to get bullied for my sexuality so i only really tell people i'm close to about it now a days

6 hours
did finally came out the closet

Kinda? I mean ion really believe in the concept of coming out cuz it's nobody's business but I do tell people if they ask

11 hours