anyone here waiting for 19 Days to be updated? ╥﹏╥

in case you didn't know, old xian has been hospitalized and had undergo an operation because old xian was exhausted from working too much, you know, feeding the fangirls and/or boys updates so they won't be upset because they ask for a fast update, "old xian accumulated some medical condition" as stated by moss (old xian's boss). old xian's out of the hospital just 2 days ago though. let's just wait patiently and let old xian recover.

Today's Old Xian birthday... She's still recovering but posted a pic, which means she's way better now: http://yaoi-blcd.tumblr.com/image/143264750375
Hahahaha just in case you didn't know. But I'm sure you'll wanna congratulate her somehow~ (,,⌒▽⌒)
There you go butterflies in my tummy. wreck havoc ヾ(☆▽☆)