Help! I forgot the name and can't find it. It's about this two people(important male with a supernatural ability, and a loyal girl servant) who got cursed to be reincarnated again and again by their family, and now in the present the girl was reincarnated as a tall blonde boy while the other is a short black timid boy, they are still part of the family and they are trying to keep someone very dangerous from waking up. At first, there's 3 children, they have their own personality until they started growing up and the 2 kids suddenly changed(the 2 that's supposed to be reincarnated began to show up to those kids) and so the 3rd(his mom was an @hole towards his son cuz they didn't reincarnate in him) kid felt like he got left behind and tried to do bad stuff and at the end tried to atone on what he's done and wanting to be a part of it became a sword, the sword that can only kill that dangerous person they're trying to contain and the sword that so belongs to the important male that has supernatural ability or something. Welp, anyway yea
FYI: This is not mine looking for someone else.
I think Author-nim is going to make us see Keith and Tommy together again.... I mean like at this point what is the point in all of this going around and around. I'm just trying to finish the damn story line, I don't even like it anymore #-.-)