Ethan better have a "talk" with Wren about what he did, and Tristian better NOT tell Ethan to stop. Sorry, but something needs to be said to Wren about what he did to someones man. I'm sorry what Wren did was uncalled for, he had bo right and no reason to do it. Wren you are the bad guy now... Its' not just because of his master now, Wren is his own shit of a bad guy now.
He knows Tristian will do anything to help him, look what he is doing now? Yet still Wren does some under handed thing like this to get his way for his master, knowing what Tristian thinks and feels, but not caring about Tristian, just himself and his master.
Talk abouit a cold heartless prick... I don't want to hear about how he needs the assholes blood or was brainwashed, he knows Tristian is willing to help brake that, look what he is doing so far.... but Wren doesn't care or really want it, if he is going to keep lying to Tristian....
I felt bad for Wren before but not anymore. (ง'-')ง