LadyWolf's feed

LadyWolf created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Tak may be a dick for treating Sanho the way he has, but he at least changed enough after Sanho told him he sucked at sex, so at least he's not a complete dick when he comes to them having sex now. Thou now it's Sanho who is in the wrong. He's getting that pissed off because Tak won't say he likes you, well dump ass why don't you say it first? Oh but no, you don't like Tak, Tak is the only one who likes you, so he has to tell you, even though he doesn't like you, well he doesn't know he does yet, same as you, but Tak is in the wrong because you want to be a whinny shit who can only blame others when it all started because of you? Come on why don't you grow the hell up and stop blaming Tak and everyone else for everything. You are to blame for your actions and words, no one else, and this time you are the one who is in the wrong and the one to blame for how it all ended. Don't blame Tak for being the kerk, when that was you!