LadyWolf's feed

LadyWolf created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

For someone who calls someone a kiddo just because he is 4 years younger then you are needs to get a brain! You need to start seeing how you are acting, cos you are kind of creepy with how you are at times. Plus, why haven't you realized he's talking about you being the pervert starker! Hello! you have your friends who call you master you had your door open when they called you that! Yea I know not the same meaning, but how many ppl have others calling them master? Hello!!! OMG (≧ヮ≦)

As for "kiddo" I feel bad for him. So many misunderstanding going on the poor guy is freaked out every time he sees his neighbor, i won't be surprise on next chapter he runs off after what was say, cos now its even more messed up!
(҂ ꒦ヮ꒦)