Subaru Tosaka is an art student who lives next door to his university senior, Yumoto Youhei. Subaru...
- Author: Taji makoto
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / College life / Slice of Life College life Slice of Life
8.5 9/2024
Woo Jae was raised by his mother who was obsessed with shamanism. The day Woojae got tired of her mo...
- Author: vin (ii)
- Genres: Ecchi / Yaoi / Drama / Fantasy / Supernatural / Full Color
8.5 9/2024 Ch 8
Anal surgery bulletin board, a bar where people with anal problems gather. As it is a sensitive area...
- Author: Songmul
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Smut / Comedy / Drama / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Comedy Drama Romance
8.25 7/2024 Ch 4
Desperate to save his father from crushing debt, Mi-eum is compelled to accept a risky offer from a ...
- Author: Majjip
- Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Mature / Webtoons
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8.5 9/2024 Ch 6