I admire Songhyun, but never had the hots for him... Until cp52. Like, omg, the way he said "I'm just messing around a bit"
The emperor is so delulu, can't wait for the divorce
Did I miss a chapter or 10? When did he fall in love with Seol???????? Yeah, he had a slight crush and was attracted to her but to already be IN LOVE????????? What???????
"But he wrote her based on his ideal woman so being in love already is not farfetched since he has always liked her." First of all, that's creepy. Secondly, is he in love with an idea of a woman or with her? Thirdly, I still stand by the fact that they barely know each other. It's feels so fucking bland when they've barely talked to each other. I'm gobsmacked. It's like they went on a first date and he's already proposing and talking about moving in together.
Btw they ended my yaoi dreams when big bad villain possessed og mc lmao
It's so funny to me that the empress is seen like this badass powerful woman when girlie gets out of commission immediately after using 1 (ONE!!!!!!) ability. It just makes her look like someone with a lot of power but no mastery over it.
It would be ok if she was just tired afterwards, but nope. She fights 10 seconds, uses powerful ability and then gets exhausted to the point of sickness. Like????? It's happened twice now.
Also, how deep is the guy's sleep for him to sleep through a dungeon collapsing? Lol
For a solid second I thought we'd have a gay dads subplot and now I'm disappointed jsjvjsjfja
Ughhhhh my fanfic-y mind is burning with scenarios of how the og mc took care of Hyukryun when they were trapped in the ancestral city FOR DAYSSSSSSSS (~ ̄³ ̄)~
I like Suyeon but as always, male authors just don't know how to write female characters. I'd understand if it was just admiration, but I just don't get why she's THAT interested in him. Why she was more worried about him (someone she barely knows) than og Mc (someone she's been travelling with for a while, a companion). ARGGHHHHHH
Could someone upload here the other missing warrior x Kaal story? The one Warrior disobeys a order from the prince and almost gets r by other dude
The way I was more invested in the memory loss plot and whether Kaal would remember warrior (DIDN'T KNOW HIS NAME WAS LUKE It fits him) than the porn I started reading this for ☠☠☠☠☠
I always giggle when I remember that Warrior used to think that Kaal was bothersome and now he's like "My prince Kaal" SO CUTEEEE
I was yelling at Taehyuk for showing empathy for that scum, but thank god he had plan
My god sis noooo, change that dress!!!!!! I can't accept that Lize's dress is prettier than yours!
There's too much going on. The bodice jewels. The patterns. The transparent cloth (don't know the name). Black and red are a classic combo but they managed to make it look ugly
How can something be so overwhelming and yet underwhelming at the same time???
Definitely my favorite manhwa ever, has been for years now. Eris is a very strong protagonist that didn't bow down to destiny and the abuse of the people around her. She followed her will until the end. She did not settled for little as most manhwa FLs do.
Anakin might not have been the most outstanding ML, but his love for Eris more than compensates for that. He could've been selfish, but decided to help Eris even if that killed him inside (and outside, as it did).
I'll miss Eris, I love her so much.
How long until sovieshit finds out??? I just need this chapter to finally drop this shit show.
(I hate Heinry but his evil look looked so hot)
Hyoun is a master manipulator I used to find it cute but now it kinda annoys me. There's also Taehyuk who can't say no to him; like babe, stop with this thing of giving inch by inch, just say no or give yourself completely to him. PLEASE!!!!!! You already fucked the kid you spent 10 years raising, so I don't think your morals have any standing anymore
Will Cliff try to seduce Edith? Or actually fall for her?
I was remembering about "for my abandoned love" bc the duke and the crown prince were bffs until the crown prince got the og FL. Later in the story, from spoilers I read, the crown prince goes from disliking Hestia to falling in love with her. I wonder if the same things gonna happen here.
This is so fucking satisfying. Years of watching these pieces of trash hurting my Eris have finally paid off. Can't wait to see the crown prince's punishment. Ily Medea