Spiderman did ( All 1 )

smile to stop crying

Spiderman's experience ( All 3 )

about question
Spiderman 02 10,2024
Someone just blocked me because I was smarter than them. Or at least I'm assuming that's the reason. I responded to their other comment and they made a reply basically saying "that's not what I meant/said. Go back to school and learn reading" or however they phrased it...but i responded with "it's basic comprehension/sentence structure." Telling th......   3 reply
02 10,2024
about question
Spiderman 27 09,2024
As someone who's been on this site for years...I hate when someone's so mad at me they stalk my profile and like DEEP dive. Do NOT deep dive yall :( But sometimes I would reread my old comments and it's like "Awww I remember this." Then I get to others and it's like "I UTTERED THESE WORDS???" Or it's even worse and it's something vile that I HEAVIL......   reply
27 09,2024
Spiderman 26 09,2024
Lmao it's so funny seeing people on this site say the rudest shit, just throwing around slurs of whatever in other people's topics/comments/replies but then when you go to their profile (I was gonna just block them and go about my day) they're making posts/replying to post talking (seems to be genuine) about how sad, lonely or depressing their life......   9 reply
26 09,2024

Spiderman's answer ( All 17 )

about question
Spiderman 11 02,2025
Thank you all sm for the answers!! Finally can get into reading some novels   reply
11 02,2025
about cosplay
This doesn't make any sense lol Like this is just straight up a preference People also do this with literally straight manga. Hence the point of hentai. Like it's just worse with straight manga bc people aren't afraid to say they only wanna see one thing, a woman's privates. How is having a preference of tops and bottoms more obscene than that ......   reply
25 12,2024
about question
I didn't know having sm tabs open on mobile makes the device slower? Ik for pc but I didn't know it was the same for mobile lol But then again I only have 84 compared to your 246 so maybe I won't get to experience that lag   1 reply
05 10,2024
about question
Spiderman 05 10,2024
What is "normal"   1 reply
05 10,2024
Not at all   reply
04 10,2024

Spiderman's question ( All 5 )

about question
Spiderman 11 02,2025
Where do you guys read your novels for free?
I've been meaning to get into novels especially with so many BL novels being adapted to mangas/manhwas.
Also other novel piqued my interest but no clue on where exactly to be reading them
11 02,2025
about question
Spiderman 28 09,2024
What do yall think goes on in someone's mind?
Like specifically the people who get on the internet and troll every single day, 24/7.
The people who would take time out of their day to make alt accounts to harass you after you've blocked them or continue to keep messaging you even though it's obvious you're ignoring them.
Like do they not have lives? Is their time THAT free
28 09,2024
Spiderman 26 09,2024
Ion know if this an experience or question, I say both.
But the only time i can recall meeting an actual good reader on here is once.
Like why do people get so offended when you disagree with them?? Did people just forget others share different opinions and not everyone will have the same?
And I'm not talking, disagreeing for "funnies" Like let's say in the moment you're just excited to share your own opinion as to why you disagree so you'll probably be typing all caps or whatever, using emojis to add emotions.
I'm talking straight up resorting to insults etc just because someone else doesn't agree.
Unless it's a fact..which is HIGHLY unlikely on here because people are just gonna be sharing thoughts on stories, there WILL be someone who disagrees with your statement.
But I don't understand why instead of just ignoring the comment/reply or even simply asking them for insight as to why they think that way....people would rather resort to insults and arguing.
Like atp that's just confirming a lot of parents don't watch what their kids are doing on the internet and so now they're here.

Or that some of you need to take anger management classes
26 09,2024
about question
Spiderman 23 08,2024
How do you guys read your manga?
On a normal browser or incognito mode
Does it depend on the manga? Why?

Just found out incognito isn't as private as everyone advertises it to be so I was wondering if people do use it for reading mangas and why
23 08,2024
Spiderman 08 11,2019
Has anyone ever done cosplay before? Seeing it in yaoi manga makes it look fun so I'm just wondering
08 11,2019