Spiderman created a topic of Again

This damn manga....just had me smiling, giggling and kicking my feet, literally. They were so cute. It was mainly the phase when they were just flirting with each other before becoming official boyfriends too. The being grumpy to being all sweet and nice because the guy he likes asked him to he nicer to him. The being proud of breaking free of his shackles from Hyunjae or whatever his shitface was called. PLEASEEEEE
A relationship like this I know doesn't exist but give me the teasing lovingly bit PLEASE

Spiderman created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Are these the official chapters posted? I saw an uploader start posting them labelled as official but then they didn't bother to put it in the title anymore but since it's the same uploader it'll most likely still be the official...but then I see the uplaoder switched, are those the official chapters too or fan translated?

Spiderman created a topic of Tiger and Tiger Gourd

Here we go again...
Exactly like I saw someone else say, finding a gem after searching for days (more like months) and its INCOMPLETE.
1-2 chapters a week in waiting ╥﹏╥

Spiderman asked question about question

How do you guys read your manga? On a normal browser or incognito mode Does it depend on the manga? Why? Just found out incognito isn't as private as everyone advertises it to be so I was wondering if people do use it for reading mangas and why

Spiderman created a topic of I Want To Be Naughty!

I definitely missed it the first time but after the second time I actually paid attention to it but every time after that and I reread it I just act like he never said it or smth???
He literally says he's got split personality which makes what he do/does/say make sm sense. Like sometimes I don't like it bc it be making me feel like I'm Towa experiencing his random "mood swings" but it only actually JUST hit me this guy has a split personality and that's why his behaviour is the way it is

Spiderman asked a question

Like especially if there's nothing wrong with it and they were just asking a question
Like I think it was yesterday or two days ago I saw someone ask for the name of a BL manga with details I recognised but then they said something that made me realise we were thinking about two different mangas so I didn't reply and it didn't seem like anyone else replied
But now as I'm looking for old manga specifically fluffy yaoi webtoons to reread from my list I found a manga and it looked unfamiliar...so I read the description and it sounded VERY similar to what the person was describing so now I'm looking for their comment and it seems like they deleted it??
Like whyyyy nooo come back what if I found it for you
Maybe they found the name themselves? But still they could've said the name under their own post so anyone reading the comment could give it a read too or smth rather than deleting it

Spiderman answered question about question
Some of them would laugh Some of them would just stare at me But I'm an adult im not "cooked" and my family isn't THAT prejudiced. Like they're the type to just say what they're saying without realising it's offensive or smth so if you just sit and explain to them what's what then they understand. This does NOT apply to my dad's side of the family......
Spiderman asked a question

I'm probably gonna try to ask this question again later cause most people arent active around this time but what do yall refer to these mangas as??

Like me personally I've always thought the general term was BL (Boys' Love)
And then inside the BL genre there's sub genres, yaoi and shounen ai
Yaoi stood for smut and shounen ai stood for boys love with no smut.
But on this site I just see people calling it all yaoi. I see mangas titled as yaoi even though they're shounen ai
I know for sure shounen ai means BL no smut but do yall just call it all yaoi??
Is the right way to refer to them as actually what I'm thinking?
I feel like the BL and sub genre thing makes more sense

Spiderman created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Idk is it? When character B confesses but character A shows/know they like character B back but don't want to admit it because of their own overthinking I love when the plot forces them to just accept the other's feelings
So whenever the story goes in the direction of character B distancing themselves from character A or maybe something comes up leaving character B to go away on a trip or something forcing character A to finally get the realisation of "I don't care about blah blah blah it would be much more painful without character B" I feel so good
This is just something I realised when it happened to them because I unintentionally read about two similar stories with the same thing happening and I get so happy when they return the other's feelings after everything and everyone's happy ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Spiderman created a topic of Omairi Desu Yo

It's Kenji (The older brother) and the annoying guy right?
I haven't finished yet but "Yocchan" is starting to just piss me off. I thought other people would feel the same way but they hate Kenji?? I'm guessing he does something in the future but if he's getting hate because of what I'm thinking...that's just ridiculous.

So tbh I'm not really for the second couple if it's Kenji and Yocchan cause honestly Yocchan is annoying and creepy. Not super creepy but just creepy.
Maybe it's because we literally see the pestering guy that was pursing Kenji in the beginning before Yocchan came around but him and Yocchan are basically the same person. Maybe without that guy I wouldn't have noticed this and ended up liking Yocchan but oh well.
Cause I can't lie. When Yocchan was first introduced I was excited. Him liking Kenji despite his mean aura and everyone else not liking him as much as his brother was nice. But now???
Yocchan does exactly what the dude in the beginning does. There's a chapter when him (Yocchan) and Kenji were in the car and Kenji rejects him saying "You're not my type." Yocchan literally replies with "That doesn't matter. You're my type." ???? BROTHER WHAT???
Like...THAT doesn't matter. You're not HIS type so stop bothering him. Not even bothering..STALKING. Then he has the audacity to say it's not stalking when Kenji called him out. Bro...you follow the guy around to "spy" on him....

He keeps projecting his feelings onto Kenji (What the guy in the beginning did) expecting Kenji to just magically return them. (For the sake of the Manga and plot he did...) But how are you gonna get upset/try "protecting" Kenji from the guy in the beginning and then do EXACTLY what he does later on???
At first I was just gonna keep reading and skim through Yocchan panels but then Kenji kissed him after bro literally STALKED him...AGAIN. And I'm like "How." Like how do we even end up here??? He hasn't even done anything to make Kenji return his feelings.

But yeah, just wanted to say that.
Judging by the comments I know people are gonna disagree with me but he just annoys and creeps me out.

Which is honestly surprising because I love this author and didn't think they could make bad MCs.

Spiderman created a topic of Fake

Any chance someone could re-upload these chapters without it looking like the book format?

Saw this on the homepage and was like "this is still going??" Cause I've never read King's Maker but I've seen it. Pretty sure it was shounen ai too. So what's this one?
Is it the same story but with mature scenes lkke it states?
Or just a different story in their universe with mature scenes

Spiderman created a topic of My Brother's Lover

I'm gonna drop this. I read it when only a few chapters were out and then was forced to stop because I needed to wait on releases. But now that I'm back...I'm reading the replies to see if I could get some insight on what it's about but it's just everyone saying both characters are trash/red flags...so I read the description and surprise surprise.
It's the "in love with my deceased relative's lover" which usually never makes the lover a good person

Spiderman answered question about question
No because I just come on here to read I've only recently started using the ask questions stuff or whatever the feature is But I'll never forget this one time I called someone out on their kink and they were in sm denial they tried projecting it onto me They then stalked my profile and told me "all my comments are only about sex" smth lime when......
Spiderman asked a question

Also WHAT is the name of this manga/manhwa/manhua
I don't remember much but I'm pretty sure it's with an office workers setting and there's like a woman with red hair on the cover
I THINK she's the main character but I don't remember anything at all and most of the times the women on covers are just side characters
But can someone find the name for me???

Spiderman asked a question

Any smut (coloured) where the woman is the MC??? I don't mind harem as long as the lead is a woman
I swear all the smuts just have REALLY bad plots and garbage male MCs, garbage including their personality AND their looks..meanwhile the women they're getting down with look like the unrealistic 2D women they are.

But yeah.. any recommendations with smut and female lead?
Not yuri!! But if it is a harem then I don't mind if it features Yuri, as long as it isn't fully Yuri

Spiderman created a topic of Naughty Positions

And I'm not talking weekly updates more..I'm talking just drop them in BATCHES

Spiderman answered question about question
You're getting a lot of replies and honestly I myself am not sure of what's the "right" or "best" skincare products but I can definitely answer the first question. I use blue soap with CeraVe products. Just like you im broke so I can't buy every single required product and where I'm from CeraVe is even more expensive. But I didn't want to switch b......
Spiderman created a topic of Dear Benjamin


Spiderman created a topic of Love So Pure

Idek remember her name
Not worth remembering
I'm talking about the psycho "lesbian" girl..idk if I believe she's lesbian..But the girl who's trying so hard to be their friend
Im rereading this story for the second time because I usually reread mangas but I've never actually reread this one, crazy..
I literally remember Sohae actually becoming friends with them/joining their friend group and I would feel bad for her whenever the MC was so mean to her but now that I'm rereading this and he had like an anxiety attack? Is that what it was? I don't feel bad for her at all. She shouldn't have been allowed to join their friend group. She definitely had ill intentions going up to LI and telling him the MC "cheated" on him