Mocha5953 created a topic of Brother In Law

Was someone please explain to me how the hell is he disgusting I mean you're the one disgusting you trifling heifer you're the one that went after your brother's boyfriend you knew they were together is your self-esteem so damn low you can't even go get a straight man I mean that's what you get for trying to make someone marry you based on looks shame on you you ratchet have disgusting I don't think you know the meaning look in the mirror

Mocha5953 created a topic of Unfinished Business

I hope another child says release soon. Thanks for the update

I wouldn't mind if you dropped another chapter or two or three or 40

I hate both of them I'm dropping this dggrhbr yeah I said it

Mocha5953 created a topic of Bloody Lies

Sure hope they can catch up soon what season 2

Look At You author, you made me take away one full star for ending it without a wedding.

I mean these two are the worst. First his boyfriend, trying to justify his action still and tell me how some like a father. no it's not like a father you're just a piece of s*** and so is his mother. Even if you didn't know that you were sleeping with your son's boyfriend, or you didn't know you were sleeping with your boyfriend's mother you knew you were f****** up a relationship and hiding the fact that you are a cheating piece of s***. you should be ashamed of yourselves if y'all end up together I'm dropping this s***

Mocha5953 created a topic of Overlord of Insects

Spiders are arachneous not insects still creepy eight legs instead of six too many legs two is enough four if you're a doll for a cat

Mocha5953 created a topic of Catastrophic Priest

This happened before doubling of chapters is exactly why we missed what happened to the guy that's laying up in bed

Well that was really stupid. you got to be careful with your horse, are you for real. well I guess everybody can't be as good as MC SMH

So the two pieces of junk finally found out that they both are just trash. I mean his mom was trash anyway because he knew the guy he was f****** had a boyfriend that he was so in love with. The guys trash because he was f****** around on him in the first place behind his back s*** just hit the fan and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

It's really starting to piss me off that no one is communicating with each other. Is it really starting to piss me off that he keeps making the same mistakes. Why are y'all listening to those assholes and when I say y'all I mean both MCs. I mean all you got to do is erase the garbage that's in your life and move on because seriously I just want to reach in and grab one of them bastards by the neck and like leave these cuties alone

Mocha5953 created a topic of Time's Up

He's too greedy to leave it all behind and run away, but too nasty of a person that he still don't understand what he done wrong and still justifying his actions. SMH I can't even feel sorry for this piece of s. Not to mention he signed the contract giving consent to do whatever they want. What an idiot. After all of that his mouth still hasn't changed at all, just as nasty as can be.

Mocha5953 created a topic of Define The Relationship

Wow he's pretty slow I've been reading this this whole time and I didn't know he was that slow I mean I knew he was little off because of you know the horrible upbringing that he got damn dirt but I didn't know he was slow wow I mean you're not for two so of course you're going to runt right I mean he was with you for yours

Mocha5953 created a topic of Weak Hero

So it took me a week to get through this from beginning to end. why didn't have to end like that. couldn't he just got the s*** beat out of him but to be killed by a truck, my heart is broken.