Lollygagingonthed's experience ( All 0 )

Lollygagingonthed's answer ( All 1 )

So to set things straight here. The moderators of the chat commented on here and called people that critizes the chat trolls, because they were making assumptions based off of the Leaders paranoia about people joining the chat. Whenever drama happens they bring the drama in the group chat instead of talking about it on dms. Also whenever you break......   2 reply
19 08,2019

Lollygagingonthed's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do seeing ufo


35 minutes
did do light makeup

Eyeliners, heavy mascara, highlighter, lip gloss. I like the glossy skin glass look.

38 minutes
did do light makeup

Skincare, sunscreen, some grayish/silvery contour, heavy eye makeup, & lipstick. I have clear skin so I don't need foundation.

1 hours