and its's sooo sad to see it's over...i felt that the ending was really rushed T_Tmoving on....time to re-read I'm off to chapter 1.
same...the rushed ending i mean
I think that at the time the mangaka was drawing this manga she was pregnant thats why it was so rushes
but i can’t help but skip parts if Navier and Heinley are not there. I always skip rashta and sovieshu slides as well. :(
Me too.
thanks to netflix I get to watch the anime. art is so beautiful and dont get me started on the soundtracks!!!
can someone post the link of all the uncensored chaps to this thread? thanks!!!!
was reading a very serious and heavy manga before this update and the name of the character was so anticlimactic got me weezing and ROFL !!!!!
and its's sooo sad to see it's over...i felt that the ending was really rushed T_T
moving on....time to re-read I'm off to chapter 1.
same...the rushed ending i mean
I think that at the time the mangaka was drawing this manga she was pregnant thats why it was so rushes