Next chapter Wowoon gets hit my the bottles and slips. He hits his hed pretty hard and he loses conciousness while his head bleeds. The following chapter after this (which is the season finale) shows wowoon waking up and chasing after his dad. Soann arrives to the rooftop of where wowoon and his dad was and he sees the blood wowoon left behind and gets worried. Wowoon chases after his dad and sees a truck barrelling down the street towards his dad. It shows wowoon running to save his dad and it’s seen both wowoon and his dad are in the way of the truck (Like you see the truck really near and both are in front of them with wowoon running to kind of push his dad out of the way). Chapter ends after that and it’s unknown if both of them or only wowoon or his dad was in the accident. But I think Wowoon was hit

Rip emperor

It's still too far for that to happen. Spoiler:
It was during a hunting competition. Perez exchanged cloaks (or maybe armor with the Emperor) and hunted together. 1st Prince mistook Emperor for Perez and attacked him. It was a serious wound. It all comes tumbling down after that. Originally, Florentia's irritating cousin (son of Vieze - I can't remember his name) was gonna take the blame coz the weapon used was his. They managed to convince him and his family to leave Lombardi and go on an exile away from the capital. Meanwhile, coward 1st Prince made Empress the scapegoat.
Like I said, it goes tumbling down.
The kid collapsed at the top of the table is a mood lol