I hate when people don’t stand their ground he lied to u and crap and decieved you and while u knew it was wrong u gave in after u said that it was wrong, it’s not the fact you’re having sex with him it’s the fact that you don’t know how to stand you’re ground I don’t think he’s disgusting for having sex with Han because he’s not in a relationship with hwi and therefore has the right to do stuff with whomever but I just feel upset, because I know that hwi is the better choice and he is an honest individual. I have to say that some of u are overreacting though, while it your choice to drop if u want it’s kinda ridiculous to drop cause of what’s happening right now, and it’s weird how ya’ll are saying u hate Param now. Yes, he’s flawed but that’s why he’s a relatable character and is easy to connect to in my opinion

I’m happy they’re a thing now, but when the seme was talking to him before he was scary, he was so mad and that behaviour really concerns me

Tbh, I think that's a normal reaction, don't forget the job the seme has been doing you know, job can shape someone's personality too (if you work that job long enough). The fact that at least he could stop and realize his wrong actions and didn't push further is already good enough for a character like him
Can someone pls tell me what chapter to start on I just finished episode 11 of mha
Umm... Around 216ish most probably
Thank u!