When she first mentioned she'd seek jiwoo in SK, I was thinking gestella will put her on her place (or kartein although idk why but he seems to have a tendency to bitch about unwanted guest). But then she suddenly started monologuing about marriage, I knew right there and then which lady would be the appropriate one to put her on her place

I just hope that vesper girl or whatever her name is wouldn't follow duke's example of being bitter and vengeful, and vent her anger onto jiwoo through battle. Btw, kayden and kartein duo is already a force to reckon with but they haven't known there's already additional to the gang, the puppy pluton and gestella. People would be trembling even more
Ah, this reminds me of beyond memories again. The current chapter has the same vibe. Both alphas are going nuts, driving the story to a thrilling plot. Were the authors having telepathic alignment?