Damn it finally happened. I mean as much as I didn’t really like Joowon I still feel bad for him. He was so desperate to hold on to something that was unhealthy. But I’m proud of Haesoo even tho he wasn’t 100% honest I think it’s for the best bc Joowon would’ve kept fighting for it if he knew that Haesoo really loved him. But fuck guys, imma bout to go rinse this bitter taste out with some fluffy ass yaoi

lol anyone else remember that Taku has a disorder called prosopagnosia? Chapter 38

The inability to recognize or distinguish faces/facial expressions it’s actually fairly common. It can be mild to severe. I have a mild form where I can recognize people I see daily, but if I’ve only met you a few times I won’t know who you are unless I know your voice. I’m assuming Taku has an undiagnosed form that more towards the far end of mild. Doesn’t seem to effect him too terribly but enough to make things difficult
I binged this today, thinking I wouldn’t like it, ended up loving it, was excited to see their after high school lives, now I’m full of pain and regret bc I didn’t look at the comments and see that this was officially dropped. Big ouch, I need a bandaid for my heart.
Totally what happened to me today too :'( was still a beautiful read though