Caste heaven has a phone game! here's the site guys. Anyone here know how it works?

Haha I Google translated the whole thing (the website and the app) on my phone. From what I could understand, you’d download an app that apparently translates to “that boyfriend” or “AnaKare” from the AppStore or Google play store (this is a link to the AppStore version of the app cos I’m on my iPad: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/%E3%81%82%E3%81%AA%E3%82%AB%E3%83%AC/id666784253 ). When I looked up the app it looked like it had lots of other stories on it so you’d probably have to hunt for caste haven specifically.
The game looks to play like a visual novel, so I imagine you’d play as one of the main boys. It has exclusive artwork from the mangaka in the game as well so it’s not some third party thing.
However the entire thing is in Japanese so if you can’t read or understand it you’re either gonna have to translate each page somehow or just not play at all.

Tokishiba made a Doujinshi of these guys, you can buy the full electronic version here- https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/fromagee/detail/detail.php?product_id=832923&adult_view=1
It's really cute!

Guys, Amazon has physical English volumes!! They're also selling volume 2 in English this August! Please consider buying one because it's totally worth the price and you're supporting Ryo~ https://www.amazon.com/MADK-Vol-1-Ryo-Suzuri/dp/1974717178/

Amazon has English physical copies that're up to date and continue from here. Please buy one and support Memeco Arii!! They're really adorable and fun :3 https://www.amazon.com/Hitorijime-My-Hero-Memeco-Arii/dp/1632369311/

Amazon sells English copies! If you want to read a physical book and support Syundei please consider buying one! https://www.amazon.com/Go-Nakamura-Syundei/dp/1626928878/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1618398716&sr=1-3

If you guys wanna finish reading, there's English physical copies available on Amazon.
It's worth it if you want to support Syundei and an awesome book :)

Why's it say the manga's complete? Is there anyone who's gonna translate? I know a bunch of people don't like this but I like it a ton :P
Volume 3 of Dos Obake is out everyone! You can look at the samples of each chapter here if you don't mind spoilers