Heyya!!! How are you? That's kinda interesting to put the faqs of all the popular question on your board. . . I just finished reading Sleeping Bunny by Konohara Narise. Just wondering, have you read it? I've put it in my novel list in case you're interested. It's okay too if you've already read it. . . Just wanted to share since she's one of your fave, isn't it? Well then, have a good day,

Joou-chan!!!!!! (づ ̄ U ̄)づ *SUISHY HUG*
(Hope you don't mind me calling you Joou-chan, as it goes with your queen alias)
I am fine. How are you? Yeah! I just thought rather than writing the answer each time when someone asks those questions, I can just keep a record here in my less active message board :P :P. That way I can either copy paste my answers from here OR in case any new member is visiting my homepage, can get a general idea about it. Although, I kinda got tired & stopped after 3 questions ( ̄∇ ̄"). I'll resume it later when I get more time.
Yep! I have read it. It's 1 of my fav actually! I re-read it during all my vacations as it's short, sweet & very heart warming! One of the username I used to use before "Sleeping Bunny" was actually inspired from that :') Yes, I am that in love with Konohara Narise & her works! And you are right. She is 1 My Fav of Favs!! But thanks for remembering & recommending it dear! I am glad that now we have one more BL common that we both like & enjoy ^ - ^

FAQ #3. "How do I set my profile pic/user pic/display pic?"
Whichever page you are in, either a random manga page OR mangago main page OR your own homepage, just scroll upwards until you see the mangago mochi logo on the left upper corner and an ash colored square box on the right upper corner along with a "clock", a "loudspeaker", an "envelop"(mail sign)> CLICK on the ash colored box> You'll find several options such as - homepage, timeline, bookmark, setting, logout.> CLICK on the "Setting" option>And there you are!> the setting page of your username, profile pic, country & password> CLICK on the "Upload" option and choose whichever pic from you want to set as your user pic from your pc/laptop/tab files.

FAQ #2.
"How do I get Notifications for the updates of the mangas I wanna keep track of?"
Simple - Just add the mangas you are interested in to your "Already read" OR "Now reading" section. Then you'll get notification every time a chapter of that manga gets updated.
And how to add manga to the "Already read" OR "Now reading" section? Even more simple - Just Go to any manga page> Below the cover pic of the manga you'll see an orange bar of "Start Reading" option> Below the "Start Reading" option you'll find 3 options - 1.Want to read, 2. Now reading, 3.Already read> Choose either "Now reading" OR "Already read" option. Because you won't get any notification for update if you add them to your "Want to read" section.

FAQ #1.
"Why do I get frequent Adds & get redirected to some random other site while reading mangas here?"
- Are you registered or not? If not then please register/sign up. It's pretty easy as it only requires an email, password & username WITHOUT the hassle of verification. So sign up because registered users DON'T get adds or redirected.
- Do you have an addblocker installed? If not then GET it. You can download it for free both from your pc/laptop/phone/tab. It will definitely STOP the adds.
- If you are using a PC / Laptop then do you have an Antivirus installed? If not then get one. It'll not only solve the problems you are having on this site but also the ones you are having on other sites.

i just happen to pass by and read your profile out of the blue... actually, i have also been worrying about my reviews being copied and such... i guess i should put up some notice in my frontpage as well.

Yes. Please do. When I 1st opened my account here I saw a regular user here with that type of message on her homepage. Honestly I was surprised if people would even go to that length, just to get followers/popularity. I believe in having basic good faith in people. So I never bothered with such messages. But, I understand it now that it has happened to me. The worst part is - this is the Internet. So you can't do a thing about it even if they do copy your comments/reviews, especially in an open site like mangago, where you can't restrict the viewers. They'll just say, "I made my list before you so I am not the one copying". As reviews don't get dated like the date of adding manga to a list, people can easily copy them & get away with it. The last of my measures against copying, is that message. If they still continue to do that I would have to stop updating my list altogether/open a new account for the peace of my mind.

Wink1, l^.-)b Hi!!!
Haven't heard from you for a while. . . Are you good? I'm good as always~~~ I'm hoping you're doing good as well! And have a wonderful day!

Hey, sweetheart *flying kisses*
Glad to hear that you are doing good ^ - ^
I am good. I am still around, but just haven't been active that much in the forum & interaction aspects, that's all. As real life stuff is occupying most of my time now a days.
Hope to see ya around on weekends though (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

How DARE you do that to Eujoon!! Ah juicy is gonna juice u alive.....hmph!