.. age isn't the issue.. its the OOC-ness... XD .. the USA says consent is 16..... Japan says 13.. 12 in the Philippines.... Jewish celebrate 13yes old as a man.... human biology says you can start having kids as early as 9... so.. who can say whats correct....

The brain can tell what's correct what's wrong
it started off a good story... then it died.. no one with that much issues gets over it in 3-4yrs... fuck I wish I could.. its nauseating to see mental health being 'cured'.... it doesnt... its forever there and authors just give people false hope and feed the delusions until reality hits and makes things worse
It's true that no one can get cured, but sometimes we need false hope to think that someday it will get better. Even if it's slow process it will get better... Plus maybe he's not cured but he's better cuz he has someone that loves him and doesn't see just his illness bit sees him. And friends that support him. From what you said seems that you struggling too. If you do... I'm not gonna say I know how you feel cuz I don't. Even if I don't know you on wish for your happiness. And be able to express yourself without bottling your emotions.
The author's intention was not to feed into delusions, even in the last couple chapters, Terrence says he could relapse. The main factor in Terrence's "temporary cure/antidote" was his love for Jeff, and although mental illnesses and trauma cannot be entirely cured, it doesn't mean he can survive without symptoms. I'm just not sure if the author would want to end the story showing Terrence relapsing, even if it is more realistic.
Can't argue with that =^=.But I think it was not bad story after all.