Is it just me or her face art style is getting for feminine... I like love her masculine look from the earlier chapters
no fr I thought the same thing, hopefully they change it when she gets older
Okay guy imma now go and shit my pants y'all bye
Is it okay that I have fallen for Jangnam now.?
Does the ml thinks that the mc is superman or something? He is stupid?
What the fuck is wrong with thi mf?
Renam this to Pendulum cuz they just be going back and forth again and again
I was expecting some hahas and keh-kehs but I got some bittersweet waaaaahs instead
I love how we collectively hate Heiner no matter what he says... Nothing gonna change our minds
The art style feel similar to "Scorching Romance"... Is this by the same artist?
I wish sex could solve all my problems as well
Is it just me or her face art style is getting for feminine... I like love her masculine look from the earlier chapters
no fr I thought the same thing, hopefully they change it when she gets older