I haven't read it wasn't planning to. I've seen the author stating multiple times on Twitter that they didn't want their work on this site they've stated this numerous times. But people still decided to ignore this and continued to upload here without paying any heed to them. But what she did was way excessive . Also those people who here are saying that they'll not be buying authors work like you would've actually bought it if this fiasco didn't happen. At least be a little honest with yourself

Man you guys have very high standards for reading something off a illegal translation site. I would understand that if you guys would've bought the book and wasted your money so complaining about it. But reading it from an illegal source and being high and mighty doesn't suit u guys. If you guys have so many complains then complain where the creator will acknowledge not a place where u read this off for free and whine
It's not meant to be taken seriously lol. Y'all go overboard with everything.