I know he’s a bad person and he need to work on it but can we not ignore the fact that the main love interest(forgot his name)literally linked with him and ignored him.....which literally put him in excruciating pain foreverrrr like sympathy is deserved
think again, chi-hwan or whatever(cause i can’t also remember his name HAHAHAHAHAH) wouldn’t do that if he didn’t do anything wrong, but it’ll be a different story if he was misunderstood so we’ll have to wait for the next chap, and also what he’s doing is now bad but i can’t really blame him. i’m tired of villains or whatever having a shitty backstory
I know it’s yaoi but I thought I would be able to have a tiny bit of hope for this but no. I’m just very confused on why he didn’t end up with the red king. The pedophilia makes the story bad but the fact that he ends up with the rapist is worse