sovieshu is DUMB. he's been the person our queen has been in love with for so long. she would definitely understand him or at least his shady "baby" plans if he had said something early on. he definitely thought navier was "too smart" and wanted her as a subservient woman like trashta. instead he believed he was the most righteous person in the world, that he could have a mistress, he could divorce his wife, and still retain her love and loyalty. now he's gonna lose the most capable empress.

i don't understand how everyone doesn't ALREADY see that rashta is way out of her depth and pretty dumb. those gossips can talk all the shit they want about navier but having an empower divorce a woman who's the most capable as a empress, for a nobody like her, it just ruins the emperor's reputation. makes him seem so weak.

ive seen the main reason people like her bc she is honest that she is a bad person. but that's not alright??? her short time "trying" to like nishi was because of shouya not because she's trying to change or right her wrongs. it's basically just possessive one sided behavior. she's HONEST about it. she has my sympathy but i don't like her for it. in the end, she still lacks any concern for other people if it doesn't benefit her. like her hitting nishi while knowing she'll get attacked by nishi's mother? does that small impulse of violence satisfy you enough? she literally does not care for others. i cannot imagine admitting i like a person like that in real life.

i'm not following her transmigration very well.. so did FL transmigrate in the first life as a child? or as an adult? because in the reincarnation she acts as if she's never been through this timeline before and was reacting vaguely based on the novel she read as if she didn't have her first timeline memories.
so like besides winning over people with tea, what's the plot so far? or like events that happened?
Hate to break it to u but all they talk about is tea
crown prince falls in love with MC and started to embarass himself with every single thing he does