DC Lovely's experience ( All 0 )

DC Lovely's answer ( All 15 )

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Yes and no. I got into manga as a side quest from other books I was reading because I love books of all kinds so that’s the yes of it. BUT it got so bad with some of the manga I bought where it was a bad translation, not complete, missing chapters, or just terrible books that I cut back a lot. I was on the way to phasing them out. I couldn’t fi......   reply
5 days
about question
When you comment somewhere like Reddit or tt and people reply thinking they know exactly what kind of person you are after reading 3 sentences. One comment on one thing does not mean you have nailed down my entire personality. Bitch you do not know me.   2 reply
9 days
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Pair your psych degree with a grad program in business. Alone it’s not going to get you far. Paired you can work in HR or recruitment. I used this combo and I own a real estate company.   reply
01 08,2024
about question
Whole thread seems mostly like children thinking 30 is super old and criticizing someone for having the same hobby as them. This is why mangago is working on getting rid of any kind of chat.   6 reply
19 07,2023
My son about 10 years ago.   1 reply
01 07,2021

DC Lovely's question ( All 0 )