Lmao you Lee won don’t get you and him blown up please !
Idc how god looking the sisters are they are still shitty sister and let’s not talk about his mother. He can’t even be himself that hurts my heart!
They are not that far apart in age if I’m not mistaken and he doesn’t do anything to him either. So there is no need to be up in arms . I do believe they are like 4 years apart
He doesn’t even know what Ian likes and yall are rooting for that ! I could never get behind person who isn’t in tune with the person they like. You can tell it’s lust and obsession over legitimate love and affection ! Ask me how I know because I’ve been there done that. A person can be obsessed with you and still know nada about you. Yeah I’d definitely take a man or woman like Joe at least I know that they are getting to know me and my likes and dislikes. Yall dck riders never cease to amaze me about what yall will turn a blind eye to !
Lmao he wouldn’t have to tell me twice I would have brought 3 puppies
Man she gave him that money I will never understand this part of Idol culture in South Korea ! If anyone needs discipline it’s his sister!
HE SAID WHAT HE SAID ROBERT * in my Nene Leaks voice* !
It’s okay buddy I just dropped out myself this was my second try at college it’s just not for everyone. And Mr you are as old as you want to be I hate that people think they are to old when they meet a younger person that matches their tempo to the T. It’s okay as long as he or she isn’t a minor do your thing!
He loves you baby that is why he could and yall both deserve it! Let auntie coco give you some suga and hug
Type shit YONA got the blicky for the icky ! I love Kang with a steal side piece. Lmao it wouldn’t be Yona if he wasn’t counting
Not a purple nurple and leave petty king I love you