Coco goddess created a topic of 1 to 10

Mannnnnnnnnnnn tighten up and just say what have to say at this point. I love this story but the author is really dragging out this already drug miscommunication! I like a slow burn relationship because not ALL relationships happen at the speed of jizz but when will they actually TALK !

Coco goddess created a topic of Fire in the whole

He is setting the bar high for me if a man can’t put together a whole glamping experience with his own hands I don’t want him !

Coco goddess created a topic of Jinx

Lmao all this and still going to come back I hope this chasing arc doesn’t last to long

Coco goddess created a topic of Fire in the whole

Lmao I would popped his old ass right tf back and sent him to glory! You DO NOT have to respect your elders if they do not respect you! They tried to brainwash the 90’s and under generations with that bullshit! I used to let my elders walk all over me now in my 30’s I said fck that! They swing low I go to hell and gladly!

Coco goddess created a topic of Bitters & Blackmail

Like I said in the comment section of another story I’m reading the red heads are always the messiest creatures ! Victor, Jay, and Adrian are slow because BABY I would be catching a charge for throwing hands Spencer would have been icu bound and wheelchair bound for the foreseeable future !

Lmao I’m upset because I wanted him and blondie together that is that is all I think both end up with people they shouldn’t be with.

Coco goddess created a topic of Rainbow Donut

Yall are bunch a cry babies 5 pages of complaining SMDH

Well that kind of sucked and I’m hella disappointed that is all have to say

Coco goddess created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Lmao now he deserves that ass whooping now Vladimir why did you have to open them loose lips of yours

Coco goddess created a topic of Ghost Window

Lmao DO IT ! A little drama never hurt

Coco goddess created a topic of Bittersweet Howling

Headshots like a bad bitch

Coco goddess created a topic of Dressed To Kill

Lmao the translations might be all over places to the point I’m like is it me or them at this point ! But I’m loving the story I can’t wait until it gets an official translations ! Like I have so many questions like could his uncles have been involved in some pedo ring at least one of them ? And could the last uncle have actually found out that the mayor and the professor are in cahoots? Like I feel like the professor is going to have Riel or Liel or whatever his name really is () killed anyway because the bottom line he is involved in this in some sordid way! To be honest if Jupiter, Iuppiter, Fupiter is ONLY killing criminals I really don’t see the problem let that man handle things it’s not like the mayor is !

Coco goddess already read

Haewon, a violinist who has no interest in others and lives an unmotivated life.In his daily life, h...

  • Author: Leefail
  • Genres: Drama / Romance / Webtoons / Yaoi
Coco goddess created a topic of Into The Thrill

This would have been a good one if the uke actually stood on business I still feel the rating is a bit high for this literal dumpster fire.

Coco goddess created a topic of Ghost Window

Lmao Hoyeon is a NWDL