2024-01-28 12:17 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-25 11:59 marked
Just finished reading MXTX's novels (MDZS, Scum Villain, Heavenly Official) and I'm looking for other similar novels that have lots of adventure and romance! The only other one I've heard of was 2HA. Please let me know if you have other recommendations!
2020-12-26 01:59 marked
I think we should. There's a lot of hidden shoujo-ai gems that himedanshis and himejoshis are yet to see. Please please put shoujo ai top reads on the homepage too.
2020-11-23 16:27 marked
Hi guys, I would like to know what are you top 3 favourite yaoi, the yaoi no matter what you have to read!
I’m so curious... *w*
2020-11-22 20:24 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-11-22 19:28 marked
Can you guys please suggest me something similar to this one and 'stop bothering me emperor' (which I came to know was getting a manhua).....that is where uke and seme are power couples and married/committed from the beginning. Preferably in colour?
2020-11-22 14:43 marked
Does anyone know any yaois where the uke is innocent and the seme is really badass
2020-10-13 02:36 marked
This is good, already read raw to 6 chapter and im currently reading the novel (≧∀≦)d
2020-10-02 06:49 marked
Please rec a lot of manga/manhwa with masculine uke!! I was following a post which had a lot of recs on it but I lost it (/TДT)/
2020-09-28 15:12 marked
(repost again for other people to see)
This website has various bl novels tranlated in spanish but if you use chrome, you can translate the page into english, and it's still very readable. 'Dear Benjamin' and its sequel 'Love, Benjamin' can be read through the link.




just wanted to share again since the link that was posted here is probably buried somewhere (▰˘◡˘▰)
2020-09-22 09:58 marked
Okay if you wanna read the novel, use the spanish translation and just use google chrome to translate it, the pronounce aren't correct most of the time and but still readable, it's pretty decent tbh.

this can be considered as a major spoiler.
sorry if my grammar is poor

So Isaac was being chased by his stepfather named Cole because Isaac was being treated as a traitor for not doing his mission, abandoned his comrades in the war and he has the files that contains all the corruption his stepfather did, 4 years ago Isaac has a special mission to kill Felix but things happened, he got into his first heat so isaac and felix had sex. The morning comes and Isaac did try to kill Felix but he hesitated tho he left him a wound and a broken arm.

back to the present, Benjamin and Isaac's mom was kidnapped by his stepfather, Isaac doesn't have a choice but to go, and Isaac did go to Cole's mansion alone, Isaac was blackmailed by Cole to drink the juice in the table or else his son and mother will be killed at any moment, Isaac does know that there's something in the juice but his family's life is more important so he drinks it, after Cole gotten the documents that has the evidence he's a fucking corrupt, Cole revealed that the juice Isaac drank has an effect where all of the inhibitors he consumed before coming will be out of effect now, Cole knew Isaac was omega so he did that, Isaac then felt that the juice he drank was taking effect now that he was having a symptoms similar to a heat. Isaac was raped by his stepfather, but Isaac did fought back, he stabbed Cole's face but in the end the mating was taking effect now, they we're in the process of being mates. (I was actually having a hard time reading this part, Isaac doesn't deserved this, and yes his real father was forced to mate with Cole since Cole raped Isaac's father and made him into his mate, Isaac's father died because Cole overly used his body while they're having sex and shits got out of controlled then he died)

but before the mating was complete, of course Felix came, he planted a gps into Isaac when they where in the plane (they did come together but isaac insisted that he will be the only one who going to Cole's mansion) Felix then saw what's happening and he immediately took action, once he gotten Isaac by his side and planst to kill Cole, Cole shouted that if he kills him Isaac will die too, Felix didn't understand and cole said that they were mates now, Felix looks at Isaac's nape and saw the marking is forming but it wasn't complete tho he went furious too why didn't Isaac just said he was an omega when he asked him about that but Isaac doesn't have the strength to answer him since he was struggling earlier to stop cole. Felix left the room with Isaac leaving cole alone, they settled in one of the studies and Felix placed Isaac on the couch.

After that Isaac managed to talk to Felix that what happened to his son Benjamin, Isaac said that Felix needs to save his son(he is referring to Felix here, he reveals that Benjamin is indeed his son), but Felix didn't quite get that, he asked Isaac if Bejamin was his son lol and Isaac then questioned him that he already knew about that Felix answered he have his speculation but he wasn't sure, then isaac revealed that he was the omega in heat he had sex before 4 years ago and Benjamin is indeed his son, again Felix was angry that Isaac was keeping the truth all along but Isaac doesn't have the time for that he plead Felix to rescue his mother and son, Felix give in but before he left the room he declared that both of them will be mates that Isaac will be Felix's omega, that's the only way to stop Cole's marking , to have another alpha pheromones surpass the other alpha pheromones that's getting inside the marking, Isaac agreed to it (he loved Felix from the start so), after Coles Pheromones subsides and the mark he left will not be completed as it keeps disappearing, he left isaac there in the room with his clothes covering him and goes straight to the underground of the mansion where Benjamin and Isaac's mother is confined.

Well of course everybody was safe, after Felix saved Benjamin and isaac's mother he quickly goes to Isaac who's in need now because now his heat has come, they had a lot of sex there and they mated, Felix proposed to Isaac, and they become mates.


I didnt include a lot of details but that's the major things happened in the novel, sorry if it's confusing af and some other parts is inaccurate but it still got the gist of what happened, and what i really wanted to see in the manhwa is Isaac badas moments in the novel, like using the riffle gun and hitting his target precisely isjewhhww
and Felix is so soft for Benjamin i love it, cant wait for it to be shown in the manhwa AAAAAAAAAA

That's it for the Vol 1 of the novel, and they got some extras too.
2020-07-28 07:48 marked

I read up till Chapter 29 so far so I'm gonna give a half-assed summary from what I can remember lol
The karma that the uke is "suffering" in this timeline is from what the Past Emperor did in reaction to him

In the past, the uke would be openly defiant towards how psychotically possessive the Emperor is.
Eg. He cut his hair because the emperor mentioned how much he loves his hair and it belongs to him, which lead the Emperor killing all the maids who is supposed to take care of the uke

He starts shooting birds that they released, telling the uke that he can never fly away, wherever he runs off, he'll definitely capture him

When the uke tried to run away, the emperor broke his legs saying that it's his.

He kills off his consorts etcetc

Also there's this wine that the Emperor would give the uke, which causes him to "go into heat"(idk how to describe but you know lolol)
Although it is also like a poison, the emperor still forces the uke to drink it every night because that's the only time the uke would say that he loves the emperor

Eventually the uke gets addicted to it, and goes crazy trying to get everyone to have sex with him which causes the Emperor to go into another massacre

The Emperor realises how addicted the uke is to this "poison" and how insane he became and cried

Later on, the uke commits suicide, and the emperor says that line at the beginning where he will find him no matter what

The emperor also just kills anyone and everyone to gather up the bad karma points so that he'll be rebirthed to find the uke again


In the current timeline,

The Emperor ain't no saint either. He still has psychotic tendencies and won't hesitate to kill (duh) consciously but the uke will try and save them

The Green guy knows about the past because of records that he read before and he talks to the uke, to tell him to just go along with it, thinking that the seme would kill the uke the next day like he did the women

But the uke didn't want to have anything to do with the seme and just escapes but fails. The seme was surprised to know that the uke knows about using that path to escape.

Later on, someone that tries to assassinate the Uke by poisoning him which causes the seme to go insane and orders for the people responsible for taking care of the uke to be executed.

This is a repeat of what happened in the previous lifetime, when the uke cut his hair and his attendants got executed so he runs to the seme and offers up his hair. Saying that all of his hair, he'll give to the seme. It will belong to the seme

The seme thinks that it's funny that the uke thinks that his hair is special but he spares them

He dismisses that green guy knowing that he was the instigator.

Later on, the crown prince would be talked into pulling the uke's hair by a bitch(the consort) and the uke's attendant would try and stop the crown prince but the bitch is all like "how dare you touch the crown prince blahblah" and was going to punish him, but the uke protects her by saying that his hair belongs to the seme, he doesn't have long to live anyways, and is not trying to win the seme's affections. He just doesn't want to see anyone get hurt or die because of him. The bitch retreats and says that she'll verify it herself

The crown prince (he's 5) presents the hair he pulled off to the seme who chokes that kid and asked him who taught him to do that. He also guessed as much its that bitch cuz she tried to poison him previously. He asks his subordinates to find a big and fierce wild dog. The crown prince tells the seme that he just wanted to present him a gift cuz he heard that it's very precious to the seme and the seme asks him who told him that it's precious. The kid says that the uke told him
The seme affirms that answer saying that it is indeed very precious

The seme visits the uke, and when the seme mentions about his hair, the uke freaks out thinking he chopped off the kid's head. The seme said that when he let off the people previously because the uke begged him he was already seen as a joke

He tries to kiss the uke which the uke rejects. The seme tells the uke to protect his hair because it belongs to him

Then he tells the uke that he ordered for a wild dog to be released into the back Palace and see if the people there will turn into dog food the next day

The uke panics and tell him to not do it. The seme asks him, what he'll offer him in return this time. He asks for his legs, which the uke has a flashback when the seme breaks his leg because it's his. The uke panics, and the seme tells him to properly cherish them, because it belongs to him.
The uke refuses to believe that the seme knows what cherishing means and that this is all a front and its a lie.

The dogs gets along with the crown prince and the crown prince gives the uke sweets that promotes hair growth as thanks lol

// im getting lazy..so I just say the things I remember

That wine, he forces the uke to drink it saying that he will sleep with him tonight
The uke reacts adversely because he has some sort of trauma to that wine
After drinking it, the uke tries to fight off the seme and he says that he knows what that "wine" is. The uke takes the shard (from the shattered wine bottle) and cuts himself. The seme stops him and tells him if he really hates him, just use that shard and cut the seme instead.
The uke "goes into heat" and the seme starts having pieces of memory rush into his head. He doesn't know that it's his memories yet but he stops and covers up the uke and leaves.

The green guy then gives the seme the record book and tells him about it. The seme realises that it's his memories is devastated. Because all the atrocities that he had committed, he is repeating them now. (so the uke will hate him) But the green guy tell him that the situation is still salvageable because he's not exactly like the past king.

it goes into flashback while the uke is suffering miserably from that wine poison

Past timeline (when they first met)

Uke has an older brother that tries to rape him
Uke's older brother blames the uke

Uke meets the Seme and falls for him because the seme entertained his dreams and they work together towards it.

Uke's brother attempts to rape him but the uke runs away. He bumps into the seme who sees his disheveled appearance and wow he suddenly turn psycho

Before this the seme seemed pretty nice lol


The seme remembers everything and he decides to stop being such a tyrant and thus start his self redemption lol

The uke tries to provoke the seme openly now, to get him to kill him. But the seme allows him to just hit him.

Later on the seme tells him that whatever he does its ok but just don't leave him because it will repeat again. (uke will rebirth with all his memories and suffer again)

The uke realises that the seme remembers and thinks that he's making a fool out of him

also this whole time the uke has this misconception that the seme just wants to hurt and torture the uke for fun (i wonder why -___-)


That's all I read so far, sorry that the summary is messy I just spilled what I remember and its so late my brain isnt working :")
2020-05-31 02:32 marked
It’s not just about MC knowing about transmigration tropes and naively assuming that Serenia would end up with the handsome and powerful man that invited her into his home. It’s not just about the rumors about those two either. It’s about their actions. The duke took in an unmarried young woman of mysterious origins. He went so far as to secure the help of the imperial princess to get Serenia recognized and accepted by the nobility. Anyone with an ounce of logic would assume that they are an item and are not able to marry only due to societal expectations/pressure concerning the Duke’s future bride’s heritage. Also, MC was made to feel unwelcome and like an interloper by the maids antagonistic attitude and her being greeted by the head butler and not even an aide. Which is rather disrespectful .The duke didn’t even show up, giving everyone the impression that the MC being here is of no consequence and “unintentionally” putting her position into question before she even set one foot into her new home . And if the staff that lives there already assumes Serenia is the Duke’s mistress, it’s not a far stretch to think that they were not careful in their interactions with each other but rather chose to act oblivious to how their relationship is perceived. Which again is disrespectful to the future duchess, as it makes it harder to establish dominance over her future household. Which is seen by the “altercation” MC had with that maid. It was stressful for her to already have to fight the first day for her position with the staff itself. Them not clarifying the rumors, and actually perpetuating them with their inaction by not having Serenia move somewhere else and the duke calling her his partner in front of everyone, also makes MC the laughingstock in society as well. It at least would make MC uncomfortable attending social gatherings with the duke and Serenia, getting the side eye and having to listen to hidden ridicule. Of course this misunderstanding between MC and the duke is hilarious, but you have to wonder that not even his aide, who seems like a sensible man, wouldn’t make the duke aware that these suspicious circumstances between him and Serenia are the main reason for MC feeling uncomfortable and disinclined to form a bond with the duke. Maybe because the aide assumes that the duke and Serenia are really together after all. For that matter, Serenia herself is a very intelligent woman, which she proved by verbally destroying this one noble girl at the ball. Wouldn’t she also know that her being there would make MC think that their was a relationship between her and the duke? I mean she’s aware of the rumors after being confronted about it. This seems to hint at that she knows why the MC is so skittish. She even tells the duke that there might be a misunderstanding, but she never clarified what this misunderstanding was about. The duke here is portrayed as being socially unaware of this. Which is odd, considering that he had enough social awareness to secure the support of the crown princess in order for Serenia not to be ostracized and shamed by the nobility. He’s aware enough to cave to demands concerning him needing a bride. I really like this webtoon, but with what we’ve seen so far, I think it would work better if the duke and Serenia were actually a little sweet on each other. Or at least Serenia, who’s socially aware of the implications much more, but doesn’t clarify due to her wanting MC to continue to misunderstand and halt the relationship between the duke and MC from developing further. It just would make more sense from what we know about the characters already. I even get why MC assumed that they were scary people. MC of course exaggerated how evil they would be, but her first real impression of the duke was that he didn’t care enough for his future bride to be respected by the household. He didn’t even care enough to greet her. They didn’t even meet once beforehand. What is MC supposed to think about a man who made her an offer of marriage, not even in person, without ever meeting her first? He didn’t court her to establish if their tempers align, if there could be affection and if she’s even able to take over a duchess duties. Of course MC thinks that this sham of an engagement is about the duke quieting his advisors and winning some time into establishing a plan to take Serenia on as his real bride with the least amount of social fallout. The first time seeing Serenia, she witnessed a woman who is poised, self confident and very intelligent in how she socially destroyed this girl at the ball with a few well chosen words. MC thinks that the duke and Serenia are an item for good reasons. Why wouldn’t she think that Serenia would be able to destroy her as well to get her out of the picture. After all, MC feels like an interloper between a man who doesn’t (at first glance) seem to at least respect his future bride, and a woman of very strong character. Of course the fantasies about being killed were over the top, everything else wasn’t though. After learning that both Serenia and the duke didn’t fit her imaginations of them being horrible to her, she still has no reason to think that there is no romantic relationship between Serenia and the duke. Because no one ever addresses the elephant in the room. Lol, the duke and Serenia don’t even talk about it to each other. They even perpetuate the rumors with their actions and inactions.
2020-05-26 21:00 marked
I like Serenia and I hope her and MC will become friends. But I don't like how she and the Duke didn't explain their relationship clearly to the public because this will bring only problems to MC. They live under the same roof, they act like like good friends, they eat and spend part of their days together, they meet during night, she freely walks around the manor, he's ready to defend her and treats her preciously...I mean, even the servitude was hostile towards our poor girl because in their eyes the lady of the house is Selenia. I know they are friends and probably don't see each other as lovers, but from an outsider perspective our MC is only meddling in their relationship. Everyone in the empire thought of them as lovers from way before the ball, so the news of this outsider girl suddenly being engaged to him will only make MC seem like a bitch. They should have explained their relationship from the beginning. No wonder MC is wary about the situation since nobody bothered to explain, she perfectly knows either way she will be the one being badmouthed. Sigh
2020-04-20 12:42 marked

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