to those who don't know, the author said back in early october that an 18+ version will also be released on tappytoon
p.s. it's really easy to support the author on tappy for free! it only takes less than an hour of watching ads to get 300 points which is enough for 1 chapter and updates are every 10 days so that's plentyyy of time :>

Damnnnnn... I thought I'm the only one getting the error messages. Can't believe I found another one here. Hahahaha... I don't know why nowadays it's like that. It's really annoying like you said.
Btw other than buying the points, at times I watch the ads too because my online classes are really boring. So I didn't wanted to let my time get wasted. Hence, I just watch videos and save the points which I can use if I go broke in the future.

Sensei wa Nekketsu ga Areba Juubunda:
this manga has been on hiatus for years now and there's only one chapter out so there are no other raw chapters left to scanlate