ever since marvel rivals came out ive been jerking it to ironfist..imagining our life together too
He looks so sad and fucking pathetic it’s bringing me immense joy, and when the new physician or whatever showed up I actually like jerked back a little and looked at the invisible camera with a deadpan look
If two plus two is four, then who the fuck is this???
I think 1990s had it good asf. If you ask me where we didn't have a global warming it would be those 15th century times I forgot what u call that era but the ones with princess gown and shit with those ridiculous ass hair.
What thing from your childhood scared you shitless and gave you nightmares? I was afraid of a lot of things from shows and movies. Like the house from 'Monster House' or the other mother from 'Coraline'. But nothing scared me as bad as King Ramses from 'Courage the Dog'. I skipped that episode every fucking time because of the nightmares it gave ......
You homosexuals, when I said make his pockets hurt I actually wanted him to hurt now I’m hurt still single…
I’m assuming a lot of people on here are KPOP fans because of the abundance of idol profile pics, so I just wanted to share a horrible thing that happened because of a (now former) member in the NCT subunit NCT 127. A lot of people in here say they won’t touch Twitter with a 10 foot pole, so I’ll just share info for any NCT 127 fans on this......
I just caught up from chapter 41 to now 60 and DAMN can they catch a break and just live happily after, you already made me cry NOW WHAT! Author sama we had enough please spare us (/TДT)/
Author is trying to pull a Gege on us, hell nah that was your fault author and why the hell is every manwha in their angst era☹
He walked in there so smug and cool like “yeah ya’ll carry on, I’m here to see my man heh. Then bam next thing crying in the bathroom listing his sexiness!
It’s not even funny anymore how this sexy Ike has reactions that would be in real life and is dependent, the dick slap was so fucking funny cuz who wouldn’t react like that
I responded for one of the sister's out loud when Hyuk said "don't forget about my handsome face" with yeah you're ugly asf now get tf out of my face and he's so cringe OMG! my stomach does a swirl whenever he breaths.
You big hunk of sexinessssss!!!!! And omg why is no one talking about the choker on his neeeeeeeeeck and the open chest damn, I would’ve put my face there guys I’m sorry