Chowon already over with Park Dojun. He is saying that just to save his pride 4 what he doing past. Now, I think he will regrets it for real. If Chowon apologize & not said Park Dojun will be his own again, I think Kyungsoo will accept him at the end. But the words Chowon said like it's not over make him so disappointed & scared how obsessive Chowon can be while hurting anybody whose go to his way. Futhermore Chowon really suffer with mental illness that's why he need his medication & it's acceptable he behave like not normal human being

This storyline is twist in positive flow but what can I see I feel that Iris is actually a Cinderella coz her clothes was ruined but get more Beautiful after fixed it. This story not include magic so the reality should be like this. Is just the Iris position is different from Cinderella but her fate like a Cinderella story. Never we imagine that the prince need to disguise himself too

There is magic, though? It's just that none of the girls have a fairy godmother to depend on. Or rather, they can get things done on their own?
(The magic I'm talking about came from the fairy godmother's son, who made it so NO ONE could swear when he got in trouble over cursing. There's probably more magic later on, but that was the biggest instance mentioned in the spoilers.)

...how in the world did you make THAT misunderstanding? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Daniel, the ML, is the FAIRY GODMOTHER's son. As a child he used magic to remove swear words from the world. Mildred, the FL, is reincarnated into this world thinking that she's Cinderella's wicked stepmother, a belief that is supported by the lack of swearing in the world (since children's storybooks don't have swear words).
At NO POINT did I say Daniel was Mildred's child. That would make this the world's creepiest romance novel. (⊙…⊙ )

I don't think the fairy godmother has shown up yet. Cinderella has, though. (Cinderella is the Queen, if you missed it. Which is why she's also Daniel's godmother.)
So what that means is that Mildred missed the storybook by around 20 years. Cinderella, the Prince (King now), and the fairy godmother are all minor characters who just don't get much screen time. It's their kids' love story.
I don't hate Dad. Maybe the stubborn Kiera at the past & the Dad is influenced by bad side of evil woman(fake daughters) make the situation becomes worst. the misscomunication & not care each other at past make the situation become more worst. Now when the attitude change, the situation can change too. In reality also like that. Every thing results it's happened becoz of behaviour
The daughter was trying her best she did everything perfect to the point of falling at his feet you can’t yell at a unfeeling wall and expect it to yell back and she yelled to her last moments he turned his back on her way before she could run