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leonora2402 October 16, 2024 7:52 pm

God I'm so bad with fantasy and alternative words that this confused me a little, but overall I really enjoyed it!

leonora2402 October 2, 2024 8:21 pm

I don't really want to start reading it and then find out toxic things or red flags, I honestly don't have the patience

    アリス October 2, 2024 9:54 pm

    The couple feels genuine love, but you’re gonna find disturbing scenes of grape and abuse from third people, or at least I found it really disturbing, so it is up to you. But no red flags for the seme towards the uke.

    Celii95 October 3, 2024 3:53 pm

    The couple is 100% green flags it’s just the story is sad and intense.

    Ewol October 3, 2024 11:25 pm
    The couple is 100% green flags it’s just the story is sad and intense. Celii95

    Lol, green flags? Someone skipped the chapter when Dooshik rapes Jooha's unconscious body...

    Celii95 October 4, 2024 12:18 am
    Lol, green flags? Someone skipped the chapter when Dooshik rapes Jooha's unconscious body... Ewol

    if you believe that okay

    Celii95 October 4, 2024 12:36 am
    Lol, green flags? Someone skipped the chapter when Dooshik rapes Jooha's unconscious body... Ewol

    + I’m pretty if the author considered it rape she would’ve put a warning like she did for the other chapter that did contain rape. Like bruh

    Ewol October 4, 2024 12:38 am
    if you believe that okay Celii95

    Believe? Unconscious people don't want tea.
    Not an opinion or something to believe. If you pass out during sex, your partner should stop and make sure you're alright. Not keep going with your limp body. If they don't it's rape.

    Ewol October 4, 2024 12:40 am
    + I’m pretty if the author considered it rape she would’ve put a warning like she did for the other chapter that did contain rape. Like bruh Celii95

    Ah yes, just like Mingwa did for every rape scene in Jinx? Oh no wait, she didn't. Because authors of bl have the awful tendency to normalize rape and sexual abuse when the rapist is "hot" or "in love"

    Celii95 October 4, 2024 1:01 am
    Ah yes, just like Mingwa did for every rape scene in Jinx? Oh no wait, she didn't. Because authors of bl have the awful tendency to normalize rape and sexual abuse when the rapist is "hot" or "in love" Ewol

    They’re not the same authors like omg bruh. This author does put warnings for those types of scenes. It’s literally her book, and if she didn’t put a warning then she didn’t intend for that scene to be like that. It’s her book. She’s one of the only authors that has made a genuine green flag, especially considering how dark the story is. He’s a green flag for Jooha.

    Ewol October 4, 2024 7:10 am
    They’re not the same authors like omg bruh. This author does put warnings for those types of scenes. It’s literally her book, and if she didn’t put a warning then she didn’t intend for that scene to be ... Celii95

    Not the same author but the problem stays the same.
    I hope, sincerely, that if you ever pass out during sex, your partner stops. I hope they don't rape your body. I hope they have more common sense than you. I hope they would check if you're breathing proprely and are okay.
    Because that's what actual green flags do, not what Dooshik did.

    Celii95 October 4, 2024 10:37 am
    Not the same author but the problem stays the same.I hope, sincerely, that if you ever pass out during sex, your partner stops. I hope they don't rape your body. I hope they have more common sense than you. I h... Ewol


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