When is the Next chapter going out anyway?
and does anyone knows where it's gonna be uptades first? (The RAW version i mean)
Stop whining like a bitch. Do you know how hard it is to draw a manga? Do you know how much effort and time consuming it is? She's drawing Viewfinder and Crimson Spell at he same time. With the high level of detail and realism she puts into her artwork, she can't possibly get it all done in a few days. Have a bit of respect that she's working her ass off so you can read this beautiful manga. Talk about ungrateful.
She has other works too!!
This chapter came out TWO WEEKS AGO and you already want the next one, just like that?! What a bunch of ungrateful bitches some fans are. This manga is on a schedule, a new chapter comes out every February, April, June, August, October and December, so far, Yamane-sensei has been on schedule with every single one, so shut the fuck up and wait like the rest of us!
OMG you people don't need to badmouth others, i'm just saying i'm a fan willing to see the next part of the story...it's not like i'm complaining or anything, i was just asking if she had some ideas on how to continue her storyline, i respect her as the amazing mangaka she is, also i'm not ungrateful, it's just the way i feel, as a fan that can't wait to see how the author would adjust the manga so that it can explain every characters actions, Yamane-sensei is a great artist, i can say that since i'm also an artist myself, and i know it myself how it's very hard to mantain your calm and be faithfull to your deadline every month and all so just shut up and only say those things when you're in front of me in person, i dare you to say that to me again if it was in person, guess just cowards say those things in the internet, anyway i think i made my point on saying that i respect her works, but the same as any human being i'm also uncertain of things..
I would absolutely say it to you in person because you are out of line. If you re-read your previous comment, you are disrespecting her as an artist and it shouldn't be tolerated. if you are a so-called artist yourself then you above all people should respect her way of working and not make demands. She knows exactly where the story is going, do you think she's making up every chapter as she goes along? No. she has about 20 chapters planned in advance, if not more. she hasn't run out of ideas! "taking her time with some vacation", it's none of your damn business if she takes vacations or not. Why should she give up her holidays just to satsify YOU? As long as she keeps to her bi-monthly schedule she can take as many as she wants. Stop being selfish. People like you give fans a bad name.
I agree with Anonymous. I would absolutely say it to you in person as well. You use the excuse of being a fan to whine like a toddler. If you're a so-called ''artist'' you would know that artists need time to produce something. And that they occasionally live a life outside of the manga world. So stop with the ''I dare you to say it to my face, you cowards'', you're just being juvenile and bratty.
Well, i apologise if i sounded like i was disrespecting her, because i wasn't...but honestly i'm not being a bad fan, i'm the good type of fan that respects her works and byes her mangas oficially too!
So i know i really shouldn't even give an excuse to other people, because for me my opinion is important too, i'm just the type of fan who looks forward for her next work, cause i'm already assuming what's gonna happen in the ending of the manga, my previsions could be right or wrong, that's why i'm in a hurry to confirm that, just that, but i'm certainly NOT disrespecting her, I LOVE her Works in every aspect...she's incredible at everything she does, and no one can judge me otherwise of what i am or what i'm thinking
The thing about VF fans is they don't respect the opinions of others. All mangas have flaws, and even fan can recognize that. However, these fans attack you if you say something that they find an insult. It's better to keep things to yourself.
The thing is: There are different types of fans in this worlds, one can't just accept the opinion of others and they just freak out cand begin to call others bitches and everything just cause i wanted to state my way of thinking, people on the internet are just so full of hate that they love to badmouth others to feel better about they're own lifes, it's depressing in my point of view, i really pitty them!
And then there are fans who want everything done at their convenience with no regard but for their own consumption. Wouldn't we all like this manga to come out monthly instead of bi-monthly. Maybe if she wasn't drawing two mangas at once it would happen but at the moment it is what it was. Moaning about it isn't going to change that and if you're so worried that people are jumping down your throat because of your 'opinions', then stop making them so ridiculous. Don't go making absurd comments like "does the author needs so much time to draw the manga..maybe she's out of ideas in the current time? or she's taking her time with some vacation?" Do you not see what's wrong with everything you've said there? Don't blame others for confronting you when you make absurd, spoilt comments like that. It's not a reflection on other fans, it's a reflection on YOU.
yes! couldnt have said it better myself! :)
Sheesh, you guys can find anything to fight about, can't you?
The bi-monthly situation has nothing to do with the mangaka (nor is she taking a vacation. It's ALWAYS been bi-monthly). It's because it's a yaoi manga. From what I recal, Japan has a law that yaoi manga can only be bi-monthly. It's also because the magazine that releases the series is bi-monthly. At least that's my general knowledge of it. If anyone knows more, feel free to share.
I'm sorry but I didn't see anything bad about your comment (or MAYBE the out of ideas part). Don't know why all the rucus started, but I too think that it would be nice if we didn't need to wait for so long. Facts are what they are, but can't we at least hope?! I don't think that anything we say will affect senseis work-schedule anyway! (Or if it does, then she's too bothered about ALL people's opinnion. As I see it for now, she isn't. And what I mean by this, all authors get critisism, and it's only because of them if they let it affect themselves. As an author, I do know how difficult it is.)
Like Miyanoai said, the magazine it's published in is bimonthly, Ayano Yamane can't change that. And I'm pretty sure I read too that why yaoi magazines were that way was because of some law that restricted releases because of ''bad influence and harmful to youth''. Something in those lines, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, all yaois are at least bimonthly if you never noticed. So it has nothing to do with sensei taking vacations or not having ideas anymore, why criticize her on something she doesn't have control on? That's pretty much what pissed off people, though there was no need to attack ililovelilica, she was just being a bit ignorant on the matter.
Just out of curiosity, if you know, does every yaoi have it's own month when to bublish or do they all like come out at once? I mean if the bimonthly updates are because of the bad influence, it kinda messes up if every yaoi can "have it's own day", if you know what I mean.
And by the way, I never noticed that they were bimontly... I was just curcing the time it took between updates. Now that I know, the waiting period comes more pleasant =DD
there's this manga i so want to read again but i can't remeber the name but i know the story...There's this guy that encounters his first love buddy that is actually a Bus Driver...and the fact is that this bus driver have raped that guy when they where in high school when they were still friends...so after so many years they encounter again in a bus and so to get his revenge he begins to have sex with that guy everytime he enters the bus...but in the final stop the bus driver tries to kill himself and wakes up at the hospital, meets this friend again who saved his life and finally confess his love...anyone knows the name? i so want to know! (/TДT)/
I love this manga :) enjoy! http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/sono_kuchibiru_ni_yoru_no_tsuyu/
Okay, so the new chapter is out...but anyone have the info of when is the complete RAW pages of this awesome chapter coming out?
I'm dying to know if the guy who shot Sudoh was really Asami or if what really happened was that in the middle of the shootout Kuroda was hurt too and Asami came in order to protect Takaba?