Title Update Recommend
Bad Female Leads(1) 2025-03-09 0
Cute and wholesome (13) 2025-03-05 0
Garbage but would read again(4) 2025-02-26 0
Historical Romance no isekai or regression(11) 2025-03-14 0
Historical Romance with isekai or regression(16) 2025-03-16 0
I never want to read this again(14) 2025-03-23 0
Isekai(14) 2025-03-14 0
Isekai BL(2) 2025-01-12 0
Let it simmer(5) 2025-03-02 0
Masterpiece(2) 2025-03-10 0
Meh(16) 2025-03-09 0
MofuMofu(7) 2025-03-05 0
My Favorites(38) 2025-03-14 0
Not long enough to binge(4) 2025-02-26 0
Not really good nor bad but I want to keep up with it(9) 2025-01-12 0
Porn(9) 2025-03-14 0
Porn with plot(14) 2025-03-19 0
Pretty Good(21) 2025-03-16 0
Promo(7) 2025-02-14 0
Revenge Porn(3) 2024-12-29 0
Villainess Isekai(20) 2025-03-07 0
Waiting for next season(9) 2025-03-09 0

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