A wise song once said ," Can't believe I had a girl like you
And I just let you walk right outta my life
After all I put you through
You still stuck around and stayed by my side
What really hurt me is I broke your heart
Baby, you're a good girl and I had no right
I really wanna make things right
'Cause without you in my life girl, I'm so lonely."
(changing the girl to boy in this case )
But I doubt he will feel like that any time soon .
I can't wait for the next update!!!!
Oh ps : potato and coach be the real mvp this time !!!
Need some good isekai bl!!!
I think I will cringe if jaekyung becomes lovey-dovey in the near future * if* after seeing all this ...
Why do I feel like the other party wants to injure jaekyung to the point that he won't be able to fight even if he wins the match? I mean not like I see any problem there . Just don't want kim Dan to suffer the consequences poor thing has went through enough. As long as jaekyung is the one suffering I see no problem .
Man is having the best redemption arc !!!!
Except for certain someone from a certain manhwa ....
(The ones who get it get it)