Pussaiyuver's feed

Pussaiyuver created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Ok let me say this, I don't care for the smut, why are there so many panels. I don't care for the mc backstory or relationship with the ml 〒.〒 . All I care about is the child we barely got to know. He was introduced and then was always sleeping, when he spoke it was 2 sentence. I get now that he's sick but the book treating the kid as a accessory. Like if he's just there so the mc can say he has a kid, and the ml can use that kid to get the mc. It disconnects me from the characters. Also the smut scene where the mc woke up in the ml room and was worried for his son before a 2 chapter panel of smut was so annoying and distracting. Cause all I could think about was where the fk was the kid the mc cares so much about? No seriously where was he?