Nah, ya'll guys don't know anything and it shows. Blocking celebrities on social media is crucial to force them to speak up about Palestine. Because when you block them, they lose followers, which means they lose revenue. It's not just the videos that pop up on your fyp, it's the ads, the partnerships, the promotions, etc. that they make a lot of ......

and then just so elliot could come in save the day because lin che is powerless now he needs elliot’s help no matter what. lin che has no one to depend on except elliot. like i know i find it sad and realistic that lin che has to shrug off his chinese heritage to even gain power and position in the mafia, i find it sad that no matter what he does he will still be seen as an other first and foremost (as seen by elliot’s white friend immediately pointing out his (rumoured) (!!) mixed heritage to elliot himself), and i find it sad that elliot no matter what lin che does will always get things easier. cause it’s a historical manga, cause it’s mirrored in society as a white person having more privilege. but elliot losing something, striking out, then lin che having to appease his guilt, having to give up his last funds/security so that elliot can be repaid just for taking care of lin che, then having more of the emotional burden to reconcil with elliot and getting found out because of elliot’s outburst… i’m sorry but it’s icky to me. it feels like lin che’s trauma was all mad for lin che to save elliot from the big bad chinese dad, to feel safe from the horrors of the chinese people, to have lin che assimilate with elliot himself feeling so insulated, and it all culminates because it’s because of elliot’s outburst that lin che is in this dire situation right now. cause they burst out of the house and found because of it and lin che is going to bear heavier consequences than elliot.
fuck i’m sorry if this is incoherent but another commenter pointed out how weird it is that a japanese author is writing this so strangely and i cant stop thinking about this
ok so this is information ive been bottling up. if you’re wondering what they actually mean. read this. theres NO difference to yaoi and bl. they mean the same thing. yaoi doesnt mean nsfw or fetishization. it means boys love (in the 1900s). yaoi is an outdated term, meaning its an old word that people in japan dont use anymore. it simply refer......
its odd when (non-japanese) people who call themselves fujoshi LMFAO. its not problem but its cringe. its like calling yourself an otaku bc you like anime. i also hate people who dehumanize / demonize fujoshis. this is towards all the chronically online tiktok people who think fujoshi means a girl who fetishizes bl. which i can explain WHY thats m......
I'm currently in a long distance relationship with my best friend. They came out bi and at some point, we realized we felt an attraction for each other (our entire friend group at the time pointed out our flirting for A YEAR, "we're just besties"). Still laugh about it once in a while. Many say it's very difficult to keep a LDR, while I definitely......
In the real world, there is no actual consensus on what is rape so that one can clearly state, "This is wrong in the real world but is okay in fiction." So, so, so, so many rape scenarios in yaoi manga happen IRL and the victims are shamed while the rapists are defended. The victim was drunk so it wasn't rape. The victim went over to his house alon......
I'm seeing far too many offended straight women in these replies proving your point (and kudos to the many straight people that actually bothered reading this rather than taking it as a personal attack because it really isn't? You do know we more allies, right? So listen and reflect rather than get defensive for a problem you will never experience)......
I didn’t read all that cuz i have like two brain cells but here, people need to remember that bl is also apart of the romance genre it’s not a separate thing. same with gl and most obviously, sl. So obviously because it’s just normal romance it’s fine to read bl and gl even if you’re not mlm or wlw. I’m lgbtq+ and i think it’s fine to......
Ya'll are so triggered, who hurt you all (I know who but...) Anyways have some nice BLs to cheer yourself up (This is in no particular order just what popped in my mind first): 1. Sign 2. Ore no kirai na senpai (all the ones from that author they're just so great also the art is just chef's kiss) 3. Seven days (shounen ai) 4. Hana Series - Sweet, H......
So I'm queer as fuck and agender so probably not the best person to answer this, but I was afab and I've also read a lot about the history of BL (I prefer this term over yaoi, because it's the term used in japan and yaoi has a negative connotation). So I'm very familiar with the discourse around BL. 1) Why do a lot of fujoshis wish that they were......
The rape-trope isn't my particular 'thing' in yaoi or any other sort of romance fiction, but I will defend to the death the right for mangaka to create art and stories about it, just like I will defend the right of Omegaverse fiction to exist (even though I personally hate it.) I disagree with all the counter-arguments to date, which are unproven a......
I added the name , link(source) & a little info of these stories...And ....
Like the button if u like this album.. And this way it also save to your homepage.. And from there you can visit this album anytime.....
1. The web novel service was closed. (I wouldn't blame the company for this entirely. THEY are a company. And business is indeed BUSINESS. They aren't charity, so when they saw that the web novels are not profiting and instead, are making them loose money, they stopped it. They went through proper protocol. They gave 30 DAYS notice to all the writers. The problem with this is, they didn't properly pay off the writers with their separation fees and breach of contract fees. Everyone received their pays very late, as opposed to what Lezhin has promised them, and some didn't even received their payments.)
2. Issues with international cut offs from English sales. (A lot of authors are complaining about how they didn't receive their international revenues for months now. Lezhin has already responded to the issue about problems with syncing their financial accounts because of international laws. You see, the authors aren't the only ones losing here, because Lezhin also has to pay a lot of fines due to this issue. What I hated about this, is how the creators took to twitter, instead of organizing a union and directly confronting lezhin authorities. And on Lezhin's side, they didn't even made an effort to talk to the authors, too.)
3. The recent call of authors for even international fans to sign up a petition on tax investigation regarding lezhin accounts. (You see, I mentioned above about the problems with the accounts and financial laws both domestic and international. Lezhin already has a problem about this one since US Lezhin is established. If the artists keep kicking Lezhin while the company is already at its knees, they would also be hurting themselves in the process. And also, I don't know if you have signed up for the petition, but I hope you won't. I hope you make an effort to understand what was written in there first. I don't understand why they do this when a lot of international fans can't even read and understand Korean. Koogi's tweet of calling international fans to sign up and simply copy paste that you agree, is by our law, will not even be counted in the vote ins. This is kind of hypocritical of them also, because back then, they were so aggressive to international fans because of illegal uploads, to the point of them resorting to name calling and making fun of how "international fans" are so thirsty and desperate just because fans don't understand their tweets. I'm serious. Try scrolling back through most of the popular BL webtoon artists and look through the replies. You'll see what I'm talking about.
4. Overall, you would see that majority could be blamed on Lezhin, but it is not because they wanted these to happen, neither it is because they don't care about their artists, like what a lot of people are thinking. Lezhin has 5000+ series and counting. (Korean and English site combined). Provided that there are manga and non-Lezhin exclusive artists included in there, their artists must be numbering around 500~ or even more. It's not easy to cater to everyone equally. Their editing department is even less numbered. That's why a lot of changes happened, like how they established a rule about submitting a completed chapter 2 days before the upload date. This has taken a toll to creators who have a weekly deadline because that just gives them 5days to create. The point with this is, lezhin wanted to make sure that they will be uploading quality chapters. You must've noticed how a lot of creators are retweeting before how they made a mistake so fans should go back to read the chapter again an hour or two after the upload schedule of their chapters. A lot of korean fans have complained about this practice, for a lot of reasons. That's why Lezhin made that move. They didn't do this simply to torture the artists. They did this so they can catch mistakes if there are any. I think they should've consulted and made an arrangement with the authors first regarding this issue, so that every one could've voiced their opinions and planned for necessary adjustments.
What I'm trying to say is, there are always two sides to an issue. And you, as a reader, as a fan, should always be aware of them. This is the age of the internet, so we should make effort to double up our skills in analyzing and awareness. Don't just jump on something that someone said just because you liked their works, and you are so bent on supporting them. The only way to properly support them is to buy their works legally, even if you are reading from a site like this. (Because let's face it, I am also reading from this site.) My references for these are from twitter mostly in the reply sections of main tweets that a lot of fans dont often see. (So please, make an effort. I don't care if you google translate the tweets, just so you will have an idea about the entire picture, not just a very small part of it.)
To people are are syaing "why now?", the removal of Lezhin series from here are only to be expected. They have been filing for the copyrights months ago. Due process only dictates that they have to go through proper processes in accordance to law that's why it took them months to get here now. So yeah. Everyone, enjoy it while it last. Stop giving shit to lezhin, stop giving shit to creators, basically stop giving shit to our fellow readers, because seriously, the fact that we're here reading doesn't give us the right to complain about anything, unless we all go to the official site to buy and then send our complains through the Lezhin feedback system.
Thank you for reading up until here.
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