If maybe it had been longer and we had gotten more development with the story I would’ve liked this more but it all just felt a bit rushed- like wtf Rei just says sorry and man is just okay with that? pretty disappointed though,, started reading this in 2019 then I forgot about it while waiting for updates and now finally finishing it... the ending just does not sit very well

every time I see Sangmin he reminds me of a soggy rat and I just cannot hate him for that sole reason

Lol everytime he says stuff like "My friend doesn't talk to me" like the pity shit in this chapter I'm just like "You have no friends now. You did that. Lol" Like I laugh to much at his sorrow to hate him, his entire character was a joke from the start and he keeps making himself a bigger punchline.
have never wanted to beat a child more than rn