absolutely no survival instinct, no sense of danger, no "gut feeling," buddy can smell i guess but if he smells something good hes gonna go towards it like a child with a "free candy" van
the third son of the duke guy is the only good option for him cuz the butler is basically his dad and besides the incest, his step brother is a fucking edge lord with a complex and bad self-esteem issues. and even then the duke guy is a stupid option
i get hes supposed to be animalistic and innocent but can the author at least show him some respect and give him the emotional intelligence of a guy in his 20s.
I am in no place to say if the story is good or not, but you'd have to be reading with your eyes closed to say it's not coherent and that a good chunk of the characters aren't fleshed out with noticeably referenced backstories (except for the side characters who don't heavily impact the plot)
absolutely no survival instinct, no sense of danger, no "gut feeling," buddy can smell i guess but if he smells something good hes gonna go towards it like a child with a "free candy" van
the third son of the duke guy is the only good option for him cuz the butler is basically his dad and besides the incest, his step brother is a fucking edge lord with a complex and bad self-esteem issues. and even then the duke guy is a stupid option
i get hes supposed to be animalistic and innocent but can the author at least show him some respect and give him the emotional intelligence of a guy in his 20s.