Sofia created a topic of Diego
Sofia created a topic of Pearl Boy

I really don't get the people who say they want Jooha to gain back his memories.Why would you want that for him? Didn't he go through enough?Sure Dooshik will be sad from time to time but the person he loves most is happy and thriving, they're still crazy In love with each other ,he has the rest of his life to live with his soulmate,the happy moments DEFINITELY exceed the sad ones.No one is 100% happy in life,that doesn't make it a bad life.In comparison to what they had to go through, having the person he loves not calling him like he once did is nothing why are we making it a big deal,as if hes the most miserable person on earth?I would NEVER want the person i love to go through that traumatic experience again,even if it's just through their memories

Sofia created a topic of Honey Bear

THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!I TRULY FOUND A GOLD MINE WITH THIS ONEFirst of all,the art is AMAAAAZING.Then, it's just my favorite genre,kinda rom-com with a ton of fluff.It has my favorite type of seme EVER,the lost in love kinda type(bonus points cause he's an absolute angel but a beast in bed,gosh I'm jealous,I'll never find a man like him in my life

Sofia created a topic of Our Sunny Days
Sofia created a topic of Pearl Boy

OMG THIS IS SUCH A NICE SURPRISE!I didn't think we would get anymore side stories.I'M.SO.HAPPY

Sofia created a topic of Aesthetics of Unpleasantness


Sofia created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Gosh he REALLY creeps me out,idk how people can find him adorable

Sofia created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

Is volume 4 already out in Japan?

Sofia created a topic of Backlight

I can't believe I once defended I can't even stand seeing him on my screen.I literally sigh and roll my eyes everytime he talks,he sounds like a child.I've never been more turned off by the prospect of smut before,but now knowing they're gonna do it in the next chapter I just want to skip it honestly.That's how annoying he is.And it's such a shame too cause the art is so pretty

Sofia created a topic of Just Twilight
Sofia created a topic of Thirst

It's actually good to not be that invested in the story for once cause everyone is so mad and here I am just LoLling

Sofia created a topic of Thirst

I guess I'm the only one who's actually enjoying this arcis it weird that Tristan had a crush on Wren seeing as he basically raised him since he was a kid?In the real world absolutely yes.But we're talking about manga here,yaoi at that, I'm sure we've all read more fucked up shit,so I don't understand why everyone are so flabbergasted by this take if turns.It's fiction,so I don't really care.My ick is usually cheating in stories.Yes yes, that's so little compared to all the worst plots we encounter on this platform, but when I read a love story I like it to be about ABSOLUTE love,I like to read some good pining and adoration from both parts,and cheating kinda ruins it for me.Usually.But I guess my morale kinda went out the window cause I'm not really attached to Tristan and Ethan as a couple.Nothing against them but when i see them together I feel nothing.I'm not rooting for them like I usually would,I just don't feel the love.So I know the author won't make Tristan cheat on Ethan, otherwise she would lose A LOT of readers,but I don't mind the love triangle.I like Wren more,sorry not sorry

Sofia created a topic of Lucky Paradise


Sofia created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

OMG YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB!PLEASE CONTINUE,I really lost hope on this being translated since the last one was nearly 2 years agowhen I read u we'rent a professional scanlator and that neither 2 languages were your first one I expected some messy work,and believe me, I've seen how messy they can get,some had sentences that didn't really make sense.But this was very clean work,and the grammar, perfect.Good luck on your exams,and THANK YOU for your service

Sofia created a topic of Backlight

Why...WHY.This started SO well.I was actually enjoying it,until the last few chapters.This took such a dark turn

Sofia created a topic of Thirst

People being mad at Wren further prove that the majority really read stories and barely understand them or their characters.Wren was tortured,everyday,all alone,FOR YEARS.He was made to become addicted to something without his choice.How do u expect him to get out of it totally fine and not twisted?Ya'll want deep characters with complicated backgrounds but expect them to be perfect,how does that make sense?

Sofia created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Aren't side stories supposed to show us a different side of the characters?A more in depth look on their life or a completely different story with the same characters,like what it would be like if the role were switched etc?What is this?It's the same thing but WORSE somehow.How did the author even think people would be more entertained by this?

Sofia created a topic of Thirst

The story is interesting and the art is good but I don't know why,it always feels like it lacks something.Emotion.Pathos.They look angry but I don't feel it.There's no momentum,it doesn't look or feel realistic.Even their love scenes,I don't feel the love,the lust.And that's saying much considering this is one of the more explicit smut mangas out there,uncensored and all

Sofia created a topic of Yona and Chang-il
Sofia created a topic of Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

I love this manga with a passion