Sofia created a topic of MoonStruck

Why are y'all being so moralistic, haven't y'all got a hang of how these stories work by now?It's not like the others were much better in terms of morals.And you're getting turned off by cheating?Pfff,this is nothing in the realm of webtoons.At least they're both 2 consenting adultsbesides she didn't seem very interested in her soon to be husband,did y'all really not know where this was headed from the beginning?People,it's fictional,and we know nothing about her boyfriend so we don't exactly have an emotional attachment to their love story to be sad about her cheating,so just enjoy

Sofia created a topic of MoonStruck

Can someone explain to me the story about the crazy jealousy girlfriend?I didn't get it at all ,,what was the lesson?

Sofia created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Ugh I'm honestly so tired.What are these extra chapters even for?We got zero character development from the both of them.Like, he's crying and clinging to you and your best idea is leaving him alone for days?And then breaking up? That's even worse than sex,and I was getting FED UP with all the meaningless sex.Idk what the author is thinking but this is not it

Sofia created a topic of Flowers Are Bait

UGHHH I should have left this to marinate more,even the raws are at the same point

Sofia created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I didn't think this would ever end...

Sofia created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Why... can't they just talk..

Sofia created a topic of Thirst

If we're gonna get a rape scene, I'm losing it,I swear I'm dropping it for good

Sofia created a topic of Flashlight

Why are y'all surprised the dad is hot .Have you SEEN Yujin?

Sofia created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

You're telling me ...I NOW HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WEEK???

Sofia created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

UGH girl,just mine your own business

Sofia created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I love how desperate they are for each other,it's freaking hot

Sofia created a topic of Flashlight

Ok so I'm seeing a lot of people blaming Aaron as if he did something unforgivable...and I don't get itwhat exactly did he do that was so bad?I don't get why Yujin suddenly punched him either tbh

I already love this SO MUCH more that the main story

Sofia created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Am i the only one always bothered by the lack of lube?

Sofia created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

Why did the author think it was a good idea to waste their time writing about their past story?As Is we'd be interested on getting to see more of that motherfucker

Sofia created a topic of Honey Bear

Im glad to see we're all screaming about this last chapterHOT DAMN that was something

Sofia created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Author...what is this.This storyline doesn't make any sense lol.It was better what people thought the reason was,that she also liked girls and was treated badly for it so she didn't want them to feel the same.Her not being loved by her parents isn't a part of her,so it's not exactly something that makes her different,and its not like people were mean to her for that,so it doesn't explain at all the mental process she went through that led her to that decision.I'm a little disappointed,this wasn't well thought out

Sofia created a topic of Pearl Boy

This might be my favorite chapter to date.It was light,cute,sexy and it made me cry.It really had it all in only a few pages.I love this version of Jooha,the way he can be the one to do the teasing but at the same time show with his words and actions how much he loves Dooshik.I feel like we're used to see the semes be the ones who do all the wooing and the grand love gestures to make the ukes feel pretty and loved.So we often forget that the big strong guy needs to feel loved and appreciated too.And that there's strength in showing it.All in all this chapter made me feel all warm and fuzzy so it automatically takes the top spot in my heart

Sofia created a topic of MoonStruck