I am so tired of the premise of a plot being "boy likes girl, but boy is awkward or something and can't use his words to effectively communicate that he likes her without being an asshole, so he's rude as fuck to her and expects her to fall for him anyway, I guess." With him on the cover, they'll probably end up together and MC will reason away all the nasty shit he said to her after she realizes "he always liked her and was just awkward about it." I just don't get it. These scenarios are wild, bc if I were her? I don't care how much the guy says he likes me, I will not give him the time of day. Sweet, earnest guys who fumble over their words when they confess are way better. Yeah, yeah, "don't like, don't read," but it's harder than you think when so, so many stories are exactly like this one and ones with sweet, earnest guys aren't usually all that spicy...
Just once I want a deeply passionate couple that doesn't start off questionably (read: dubcon/noncon), where the guy is open and honest without being an ass or pushing MC, where MC isn't wishy-washy and knows what she wants (him, lol), and the sex is HOT. If anyone has any suggestions for that, I'm all ears, please.
He's...way clingy. It wouldn't bother me if she was equally as clingy, but so far she just wants away from him and the whole thing just irritates me. This manga has so much promise, but I hope they just mutually fall in love sooner rather than later.