brianna add 1 photos to lol and non-lol's

literally me

brianna add 1 photos to lol and non-lol's

its the second chapter..

brianna answered question about i'm looking for friends
nah drop him fast. thats so manipulative it dont seem like u did anything. whether he took something the wrong way or not it seems like he over reacted and just kept going at u to get it all out or just use everything he had on u against u. just ignore him and ignore anyone else bothering u bout it and make better friends he sucks
brianna add 1 photos to lol and non-lol's

LMAOOO they always got their ears open

brianna add 1 photos to lol and non-lol's
brianna add 1 photos to lol and non-lol's

he gonna pop out and make fun of u bruh

brianna add 1 photos to lol and non-lol's

bro def has a crush on him, closeted lmao

brianna add 1 photos to lol and non-lol's