Are getting more creepier. Other novels have system that are helpful. Hers is just trying to strangle her.
Unfortunately, his friend trusted the wrong girl to the end. The friendship with Master Cen will end.
Master cen's friend was brainwashed more like he take a potion w/o his knowledge that will make him says good things on that real rich kid(forgot her name).
While he is building the nest, my mind was thinking an emperor is building a freaking nest.
Someone needs to check if the translation should be 3 yrs... what the heck did he dose himself with?
I swear.... I can hear her scream-begging him. The emotions are so real.
While wearing slippers...
It is an insult to other existing systems.
I'm glad that she had told the butler too.
SIR, you are definitely not sane at all.
Did the shears just appear out of nowhere????
i think it was inside his coat's pocket, well those are pretty trendy...
Are getting more creepier. Other novels have system that are helpful. Hers is just trying to strangle her.