Spoiler alert
Am I the only one who thinks Taein is the grim reaper’s vest and at the same time they are the childhood friend from the hospital? if they aren’t the same person one of them definitely is the friend cause both of them look exactly like the childhood friend from hair and eye colour and eyeshape… my theory is the childhood friend died from his illness and went to the afterlife, somehow became the grim reaper and now to help mc fall in love he put on the vest of taein which is probably who he would have been if he hadn’t died… the only thing throwing my theory of is that the grim reaper is wayyyy taller than taein

Im not gonna finish reading what you said. But I also agree with this. Taein and the grim reaper look so damn alike. So I was thinking he was either the grim reaper, OR the childhood friend. Because it obviously just makes sense. But you thinking that taeins both of them opens up a whole nother way.

Chap 9 (don’t read if you don’t want spoiler)
Guyyys, the ML is obviously developing feelings for her and can’t handle it… it’s hard for him to admit cause he’s probably been looked down on all his life by other nobles (and who knows yet what else they did to trample on him) and thus doesn’t even give them the benefit of doubt (FL included), additionally he thinks FL hates and looks down on him too…
Not that i’m approve of his behaviour to the FL, never, but just see it as him being an immature kid that can’t handle his emotions… he’s not without saving guys, i’m sure the FL will set his head right

So after Ch 38 it seems Sasha was the one responsible for the slander?? The way he’s talking, he did something horrible to a person and also indicates that person is Luce, and apparently the thing he did wrong killed a person’s (pretty sure Luce’s) heart… i’d say the probability is 99%
I wanna know the whole story behind it

Pls hide your spoilers a bit better
Sorta but not really. He didn't directly cause any of it, but he was complicit because of complicated situations.

God, why does the brother have to be like this..!?!? Can't he just ask her himself and show his care? What that child needs the most is affection... why do these people always say they care only to leave the girl alone right after. it's so frustrating, I really want to kick that useless prince's ass!
If that isn’t the perfect set up for the story to be spiralling into BL then what?? Seriously would be perfect
Excited to know how the stories continues!! Although the BL setting this 50th episode planted in my mind is just too good to be true, the story is great even without it