But a good crazy, the kind of craziness that leaves you with so many feelings.
Everything was good in this story, be it the drawings, the characters or their reactions, everything was crazily, amazingly gorgeous and fascinating.
It is underrated, I saw many people mentionning Killing stalking but what I read of it didn't give me nearly as many feelings (is that sentence understandable I wonder x) ) as Interview with a murderer did.
It is a master piece, a chef d'oeuvre.

I wasn't expecting anything (ah seeing the lists it was in I thought it would be a bit morehardcore) and thank god I wasn't because I didn't get any feeling reading this. Only annoyance, maybe, the story was so flat and nonsensical, the nsfw parts weren't even sexy, the stockholm syndrom was just too fast and nonsensical... It clearly wasn't the worst I've read, but even if I am never searching for realism in yaoi (as one shouldn't x) ) I found it too unrealistic to be readable. I shouldn't even write this much on such a short and fast-paced thing, good night peeps <3

Kinda flat, kinda rushed, kinda unreadable, in conclusion, kinda meh. Moreover I don't really like the art, nor the "I can't choose one so I'll have both" (seriously, it's not food!) trope... Well they say, don't like it, don't read it, so I guess I'm gonna stop here (it does feel like the end, was it a book of oneshots?) ^^'
It was rushed, cliché (badly) and pretty incoherent, but well with the amount of manga I read a day I don't expect them all to be good
same, that is true